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Next morning, which was the morning of September 4th, Miss Masters came smiling to the Garland breakfast-table; and all that day, for the first time in seven weeks, Kern's temperature did not move above 103. On the morning following, it slipped down another half-degree; on the third, the same; and on the fourth morning there existed no reasonable doubt that she was going to get well.

De angels is all ready to tote me to Heben. I kin jes' heah dere wings rustlin' roun' me. I was jes' waitin' an' hol'n back ter see you onst mo'. Good-by, moder granny." Then she feebly wound her little arms about Kern's neck and whispered, "Good-by, daddy, fer jes' a lil while. I'se wait neah de gate fer you shuah."

In 1882 Bancroft could find no better or fuller description than Simpson's, which he uses fully, and reproduces also Simpson's (Kern's) illustration. In the same year investigation by the assistants of the Bureau of Ethnology was commenced. Colonel James Stevenson and a party visited the canyon, and a considerable amount of data was obtained. In all, 46 ruins were visited, 17 of which were in Del Muerto; and sketches, ground plans, and photographs were obtained. The report of the Bureau for that year contains an account of this expedition, including a short description of a large ruin in Del Muerto, subsequently known as Mummy Cave. A

I say that thirty-five dollars a month, and probably more, is the proper amount for me to pay." And he said it so sternly, with such a superior gempman's way to him, that Mrs. Garland, feeling convicted of guilt, and, to tell the truth, missing Kern's earnings sorely, could only reply: "Just as you say, sir, well, now, and thank you kindly, I'm sure."

Fo' de Lawd, ef she die an' we all die I won't lebe my duty." "You're a man," said Bodine, clapping him on the shoulder, "I will arrange this." He went direct to Kern's superior officer and briefly told him the circumstances, then added, "I know these people. Watson deserves consideration. I will take his place.

V.V.'s stare remained blank, engrossed; but presently he was caught, first by the silence, then by his little friend's wide and intensely expectant gaze, just beginning to fade into childlike disappointment. He promptly burst into a laugh. It began as a dutiful laugh, but Kern's expression soon gave it a touch of genuineness. "Ha, ha!" said he. "That's a good one!

V.V. was to purchase on the morrow. Kern's endeavor was to convey the idea that, in cases such as this, many men ever made it a practice to keep the old suit by, like for rainy days, and under no circumstances to give it away to the first person comes along and asts them for it. V.V.'s derby down many a sunny lane. "And the shirts they got at the One-Price Company!" cooed Kern.

Or the secret shrinking behind that, but surprised at last? Or was it the knowledge of a beautiful delicacy shown by this little girl before to-day? Miss Heth's arm was about her neck, and her voice, which was so pretty even when you could hardly hear it, said, true as true: "I think you've been a lady all along, Co-rinne." And then the bands about Kern's heart snapped, and she could cry....

So he turns back to see if the man was hurted, and the road bein' so dark he runs over him again. So he turns back again, scared he had killed him, and then the other man that had hopped into the ditch, he sings out to his friend, 'Get up, you damn fool, he's comin' back!" Having quite failed to follow Kern's cheer-up narrative, Mr.

The line was formed as follows: the remnants of Porter's and Sumner's corps on the right; Franklin and Heintzelman in the centre; and Couch's division of Keyes' corps on the left. In position, on the left, were two New York batteries, Robertson's United States battery of six pieces, Allen's Massachusetts and Kern's Pennsylvania batteries.