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Just as they reached the end of the wall a whispered voice brought them to a halt. "Hyah, sah!" came the unmistakable voice of Uncle Billy. Turning, they saw the old negro, who had been hidden from their sight, standing under the far wall of the castle. "Follow me!" he whispered, and led the way a short distance along the wall, to where were picketed four horses.

Perhaps she had not heard such a pleasant voice for ages; and dim echoes of some far off past had been awakened. "Sho I kin, stranger. It be the second house 'long. Hyah, Danny, yuh gwine tuh show these hyah gentlemen the Stormway place. Git a move on yuh, now, er I'll peel the hide from yuh back, sho.

"I guess not," observed the other, calmly; "you see I'm prepared to snap off a flashlight picture at any old time. Here's after you, Frank." Uncle Toby had witnessed this threatened exodus with signs of alarm. "Whar ye gwine, Marse Frank? Ain't 'spectin' to leab dis chile erlone hyah be yuh?

These valleys, centering here like the spokes of a wheel, are ready-made railway-routes. In the East there is a city of from fifty thousand to three times that, every hundred miles or so. Why shouldn't it be so here?" "Suh," said Captain Tolliver, "the thing is inevitable. Somewhah in this region will grow up a metropolis. Shall it be hyah, o' at Fairchild, o' Angus Falls?

It's the so't of cattle we've got hyah as citizens that's handicappin' us; but in spite of this, suh, ouah unsuhpassed strategical position is winnin' fo' us. We ah just now on the eve of great developments, Barslow, great developments! All my holdin's ah withdrawn from mahket until fu'theh notice.

I don't believe You keer much and seems like I bring ever'body bad luck: an' I'm a-goin' to live up hyeh on the mountain jes' as long as I can. I don't want you to think I'm a-complainin' fer I ain't. Only hit does seem sort o' curious that You'd let me be down hyah with me a-keerint fer nobody now, an' nobody a-keerin' fer me.

In the morning he had proof that his prayers had been favorably received. There was a Bear-track, indeed, but the number of black sheep was unchanged, so Pedro filled his pocket with stones and began his usual torrent of remarks as he drove the flock. "Hyah, Capitan you huajalote," as the dog paused to drink.

Peggy ain't got a speck o' manners! Lady b'longs ter de cream o' s'ciety, I have yer know, an' bless Gord, I b'lieve dat's all de cream dey is about her. Hyah! fur Gord's sake lis'n at me, passin' a joke on Lady! I does love to pleg dem cows dey teck it so good-natured.

"Now, let a ole hyah git up," he said, with a shake of his head. "She got man ready for her, she ain't got you chil-lern." The words were scarcely spoken when a little darkey called out, "Dyah she come!" and sure enough she came, "lipping" down a furrow straight toward us.

The tree that shaded the woodhouse was just too high to reach, and she crept to the edge of the roof, making up her mind to jump, but when she saw the distance her heart failed her, and she went back. "Leave me hyah all night I s'pose," she said, "mebbe I'll ketch cold and die; 'most wisht I would." Then she heard some one call "Bubbles, Bubbles," but though she answered, no one came.