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She little dreamed that at that moment the three persons she feared most in the world were starting out from Belmouth in search of her. Poor Huldah! It was six o'clock and quite dark by the time the trio, and Charlie and the van, reached Wood End; and many a time before they got there Bob Thorp would have thrown up the job, if he had not wanted the money so badly.

"The old skinflint won't miss it as much as I would a penny," declared our faithful handmaiden. "And I'm sure you've earnt that twenty-five thousand if anyone ever did. You've had as much care and worry about them brats as you would if they'd been your own." "Huldah," I said severely, "there is a pretty stiff penalty for obtaining money under false pretences."

He walked away into the dark wood pasture, trying to cool his brow, trying to think, and would you believe it? trying to pray, for it was a great struggle, and in any great struggle a true soul always finds something very like prayer in his heart. The feeling of love may exist without attracting the attention of its possessor. It had never occurred to John that he could love or marry Huldah.

She was wondering how much further they had to go, when they drew up, and Huldah found herself being laid on a wooden bench in a room where two or three policemen were standing round a fire. To her surprise, she was no longer afraid of them, they were too kind and gentle for that. One of those standing by the fire, an elderly man, came over to where she lay.

What was it, Demetrius, that your great-uncle said to you?" "He said," stated the imp, darting his tongue out in triumph at his victory over Huldah, "that he always thought you was a stiff." "He didn't say nothing of the kind!" declared Huldah. "He said you was stiff-necked, and that he presumed you would act more like a stepfather than the real thing.

Then, with your basket-making you will be able to earn enough to clothe yourself in the future, and perhaps help others as well. So don't cry, child, but turn round and smile, and let us see how nice you look in one of your new frocks." Huldah swung round eagerly, her cheeks flushed, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "Oh yes, yes, so I can. I'll be able to help by-and-by!

"'Sometimes, when my mother-in-law is in a good temper, she lets us eat out of the same dish, and then he jokingly puts the daintiest bits on my side; often when I wake in the mornings I find pinned to my pillow a few words he has copied from the Song of Songs, put there before leaving for the Synagogue. Then Huldah added 'After returning himself from the Synagogue on Sabbath Eve, my dear husband always looks at me with a loving smile when he reads that part where it says: ''The price of a virtuous woman is far above rubies, the heart of her husband trusteth in her. 'Yes indeed, she said, 'thanks be to God I am a very happy wife, and when God blesses us with children, my cup of joy will be very full.

"I knew we could all have a grand time here and not be a bother to mudder, or Huldah or anyone, and it seemed too bad for this nice house to be empty, and no one anywhere else wanting us." I felt my first gleam of pity for a Polydore and wiped Diogenes' dirty, moist face carefully with my handkerchief. "So I went home and told Huldah I had come after the boys to take them back with me."

Their rooms were few, and there was not much in them, but all that had to be done fell to Huldah to do. Emma Smith never put her hand to anything, not even to wash a dish, cook a meal, or make her own bed. She needed a great deal of waiting on, too, and was very fretful.

As they approached the corner and the watering-trough where four cross-roads met, the whole neighborhood seemed to be in evidence, and Mr. Simpson suddenly regretted his chivalrous escort of Rebecca; especially when, as he neared the group, an excited lady, wringing her hands, turned out to be Mrs. Peter Meserve, accompanied by Huldah, the Browns, Mrs. Milliken, Abijah Flagg, and Miss Dearborn.