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Where's Olive goin' to stay while she's waitin' to hear?" "In her own house. Mr. Hilton went to Williams and pleaded with him, and he finally agreed to let her stay there until the 'Colonial' is moved onto the lot. Then the Edwardses house'll be tore down and Olive'll have to go, of course." The depot master puffed thoughtfully at his cigar.

"But then the house'll be mine," she declared. "And if I make money on it, I must be allowed to spend it just as I like. It's not to go into your bottomless common cash-box!" The men laughed. "Brun and I are going for a walk," said Pelle, "so we'll go in and write a contract note for you at once." They went down the garden and followed the edge of the hill to the south.

He fielded badly, which always makes him shirty. Jephson, too. You'll have a bad time with Jephson. His one wish after the match was to have your gore and plenty of it. Nothing else would have pleased him a bit. And think of the chaps in the House, too. Just consider what a pull this gives Monk and his mob over you. The House'll want some looking after now, I fancy.

What's got into the girl?" "She's worried. Her snake's bells are going, and she thinks the house'll burn down. Let her be. Sleep with me, and keep my feet warm, Sonny." "Sure," yawned Sanford. "'Night, Billy." "Well," said Bill, "that settles that, sir. She'd hear anything, or I will, and you're a light sleeper. Suppose we lock up as much as we can and play some checkers?"

She's a good cook, and she'll come down and do for us be glad to." He rubbed his hands, beaming upon his guest. The Frenchman stroked the gray fur with slow touch. "I might take the young man's place," he said thoughtfully. Uncle William paused. "Lord! I'd clean forgot I feel about twelve year old," he added apologetically. "But don't you worry. This house'll stretch.

O' coorse, a piano, an' every other instrument under the skies that ye'll wish, my lass, ye shall have. The more music ye make, the gladder the house'll be. Is there nothin' else ye want, lass, nothin'?" "Nothing in all this world, Sandy, but you and a piano," replied Little Bel.

I'm going right now to see Milly Sears about what we must cook up and bake. I was going over to get you too to help out. The little house'll need overhauling but I know I can depend on you, Fanny. Do your very best and there'll be " But by this time Fanny found her voice and began to tell about how Sears was going on. But Grandma only smiled and said, "Yes, of course, I know.

In an instant the angel form of Mercy melted away and there stood the devil with his arms folded. "Murder! fire! rape! thieves! what, Nephew Jennings, is that you, with all my honey pots? Help! help! help!" "Phew-w-w!" whistled the devil: "I tell you what, Master Simon, you must quiet the old woman, she bellows like a bull, the house'll be about your ears in a twinkling she'll hang you for this!"

"Well, to oblige you, whatever it costs me, I will round on Potter." "Take care you stick to that," said Braddle. "The next pint, Count, is 'ow we're to get her." "Come in and take her away now," said Leander, eagerly. "She'll be quiet. I I mean the house'll be quiet now. You'll be very welcome, I assure you. I won't interfere." "You're a bright chap to go in for a purfession like ours," said Mr.

"No, don't!" cried another, "you'll be killed." "Hold your noise," roared Hunky Ben, "and lend a hand here sharp! the house'll blow up in a minute." He ran as he spoke towards a cart which was partly filled with hay. Seizing the trams he raised them. Willing hands helped, and the cart was run violently up against the gable Hunky shouting to some of the men to fetch more hay.