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Updated: August 28, 2024

And up at the county jail another of the Lazy K outfit was cursing his luck and sarcastically requesting a horde of wretches in the basement dungeons to "holler a few, so's I kin use up a bunch o' these damn hulls. Holler just oncet!"

"Ye'll play with her till ye make her desprite," snarled Lem, "and when she be gone ye can holler the lungs out of ye, and she won't come back. If ye'd left her to me, I'd a drubbed her till she wouldn't think of Tarrytown. I says as how she comes to this scow tonight. Ye can't dicker with me like ye can with that kid, Lon!" Cronk narrowed his eyelids to slits and contemplated the scowman.

"They bothered me dreadfully, saying: 'Come, Pansy, 'Don't go there, Pansy, till I went right off for sure 'thout telling one body, and then I got losted mos' right away, and I wished I could hear somebody say 'Come, Pansy, but nobody did, so I jes' began to commence to holler, 'th all my might, and the lady camed right off; I think 'twas drefful good for her to."

You'll be forgettin' us all mighty quick, I reckon, once you get to livin' with your rich kin." "'Deed, I won't!" returned Ollie warmly. "Sammy an' me was a talkin' 'bout that this evenin'. We aim t' always come back t' Mutton Holler onct a year, an' be just like other folks; don't we, Sammy?" The brown pony, stepping on a loose stone, stumbled toward the man walking by his side.

He gave Brennan and John the story, another typewritten statement, to which was attached his letter to the mayor calling upon him for Sweeney's removal. "That's a pretty one," commented Brennan. "Now, if the mayor fires Sweeney, Gibson will be able to name the next chief. If he doesn't let Sweeney go, Gibson will be able to holler that the mayor isn't supporting him."

If we can whip Bragg behind the works he has been building for the last six months, we'll settle the whole business for the Southern Confederacy in the West. Grant will take Vicksburg, and then we'll have peace." "Only 25 miles," repeated Shorty. "We ought to be squarely up against them not later than to-morrow night and one or two days' lively pounding ought to make Mr. Bragg holler enough."

I jist keep right straight along, an' I kin beat dat dar ole mule, all holler. Jist gim me yer letters, an' I'll tote 'em ober dar fur ten cents. Ye see I wuz cotched on dis side de creek, an' wuz jist comin ober to see Aunt Judy, when she telled me ob dis job. I'll tote yer letters, Mah'sr Harry, fur ten cents fur de bag-full."

"Oh, there it goes again!" cried Janet, once more running back. "I heard it," Teddy said. "It didn't war-whoop like an Indian." "If he's sick he couldn't," explained Janet. "And if he's sick he can't hurt us," went on Teddy. "I'm going to holler at him and see what he wants." "You'd better come back and tell daddy or Uncle Frank," suggested Janet.

By Jove, isn't she walking along the beauty, crippled as she is just as if she knew the peril she was in!" "Better not holler till yer out of the wood," observed Mr McCarthy; "as for myself, I wish it was mornin' agin, sure!"

"He was a nice little fellow," that's what I said, "but he had a right to keep out of that place." Then, all of a sudden, I knew. They were talking about me. They must have been up that creek fishing and found that note of mine. And they were going to tell my people as soon as they got home. "Holler to them, fellows!" I said; "quick-all together."

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