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Updated: August 2, 2024

"A la lanterne!" stammered and hiccupped others of the group; but they did not stir to execute their threat.

What's yours, Tom? How is the main drainage? Nosey Flynn asked, sipping. For answer Tom Rochford pressed his hand to his breastbone and hiccupped. Would I trouble you for a glass of fresh water, Mr Byrne? he said. Certainly, sir. Paddy Leonard eyed his alemates. Lord love a duck, he said. Look at what I'm standing drinks to! Cold water and gingerpop!

Sir Francis Clavering timidly stammered out the Colonel's name to his guest Mr. Welbore Welbore, and his Excellency began drinking wine forthwith and gazing round upon the company, now with the most wonderful frowns, and anon with the blandest smiles, and hiccupped remarks encomiastic of the drink which he was imbibing. "Very singular man.

Lasse laughed and hiccupped and struggled; clutched hold of everything that he could lay hands on the posts and the animals' tails while Pelle dragged him along. He had hold of him behind, and was half carrying him.

"By no means, by no means," hiccupped Domitian, "I know that you are an excellent judge of beauty, most discriminating Saturius, and I should like to talk over the points of this lady with you. You know, dear Saturius, that I am not selfish, and to tell the truth, which you won't mind between friends who could be jealous of a wizened, last year's walnut of a man like you?

Mutimer, who happened to be crossing the hall, heard them, and went to open the door. The result was that his brother fell forward at full length upon the mat. 'Get up, drunken beast! Richard exclaimed angrily. 'Beast yourself, was the hiccupped reply, repeated several times whilst 'Arry struggled to his feet.

And the moment after he would splurge and bluster to reassert his dignity. "I remember when I was a boy," he hiccupped, "I had a pet goose at home." There was a titter at the queer beginning. "I was to get the price of it for myself, and so when Christmas drew near I went to old MacFarlane, the poulterer in Skeighan. 'Will you buy a goose? said I. 'Are ye for sale, my man? was his answer."

"I like your song less and less!" "You've a cursed queasy stomach I think!" he hiccupped. "And an empty one!" says I. "'Tis a song well bethought on by by better men nor you, for all your size!" says he, glancing at me over his bottle with a truculent eye, and though his glance was steady, I perceived the drink was affecting him more and more. "Aye, many a better man!" he nodded, frowning.

"Yis, Pravast," hiccupped Brown, "he has! He's as phull of drink as a whelk-shell's phull of whelk. He's nearly as phull as meself and begorra, that's mighty phull." He stared suddenly, scratching his head solemnly as if the fact had just occurred to him. Then he winked. "You could set fire to his braith!" cried Wabster. "A match to his mouth would send him in a lowe."

"Never mind your Ingleese; come on, and make your fellows help to pump." The captain rose, reeled, and fell. He was mortal drunk. "You been do you dam please," he hiccupped; and Joe retired with a shrug. It was clear that the English pilot had run a Spanish ship aground, as nearly as possible, and only the two anchors kept her from going hard on.

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