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Well, he just said, 'Get out of the light, I tell you, and began walking toward the hall door. I don't mind saying we were rather put about, sir. We didn't care to shoot him as he stood, and it's my belief we'd have let him pass; but just as he was going out, in comes the colonel. 'Hallo! what's this, Johnny? says he. 'You've got some damned scheme on, said Mr. Carr.

Sorry to fire you out in the dark but secrecy, you know." Zero hour was timed for 4.20 A.M.; it was now 11.30 P.M.; so I donned steel helmet and box-respirator, and was moving off when a loud clear voice called from the road, "Is this nd Brigade Headquarters?" It was Major Simpson of B Battery, buoyant and debonair. "Hallo!" he burst forth, noticing me.

"Hallo!" said I. "Hist! Be dark as the grave!" answered the leader, in a stage-whisper. He was a freckly, narrow-chested child, and needed washing. "You're the new boy," he announced, as though he had tracked me down in that criminal secret. "Yes," I owned. "Who are you?" "We are the Blood-stained Brotherhood of the Pampas, now upon the trail!"

He was, at the moment, in earnest conversation with General Castanos; but the instant he observed them, he gave the view hallo, and went after them at full speed, to the utter astonishment of his foreign accompaniments. Nor did he stop until he saw the hare killed; when he returned, and resumed the commander-in-chief, as if nothing had occurred.

No words would come, and he could only stand there, his cheeks flushed, aware that Ernest had grown and grown during those three months, that he wore a straw hat with a black-and-red ribbon upon it, that round his long ugly neck was a stiff white collar, and across his waistcoat a thick silver watch-chain. "Hallo!" said Jeremy. "Hallo!" said the new Ernest scornfully. A long pause.

The Sergeant also originated, I believe, the fashion of calling his neighbors by their afflictions instead of their names; and I was rather taken aback by hearing them bandy remarks of this sort, with perfect good humor and much enjoyment of the new game. "Hallo, old Fits is off again!" "How are you, Rheumatiz?" "Will you trade apples, Ribs?" "I say, Miss P. may I give Typus a drink of this?"

"Hallo, Bill Varco! Wasn't it you here yesterday? Or has my memory lost count 'pon the days o' the week?" "It's me, right enough," said Varco; "an' no one but Peter Hosken left with me, to take turn an' turn about. They've called the others up to Plymouth." "But why?" Nicky-Nan had asked: and the coastguardsman had responded: "You can put two an' two together, neighbour. Add 'em up as you please."

With his leathery hand he smote upon the bell. He waited for the space of a minute, and then cried: "Ahoy!... Ship ahoy!... What ship's that?" We are not conscious in a dream that we are playing a game the beginning and end of which are in ourselves. In this dream of Abel Keeling's a voice replied: "Hallo, it's found its tongue.... Ahoy there! What are you?"

But now they are all at the Zoo. And I wish I was there too." "In what character of a discontented animal with every blessing? They would not take you in; too common in England. Hallo! this is something new. What lots of bushes! We should not have much chance with a lion here." "There ARE no lions: it is not the Zoo," said Falcon; but he spurred on faster.

"Hallo! hold on, my lad," said Old Brownsmith, who had not seen the cause; and of course I would not tell tales; but I made up my mind to repay Mr Shock for that kick and for his insolent obstinacy the first time the opportunity served.