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My lord, if I knew anything against the man, I'd tell it out, and be glad. I hate the whole tribe. He wouldn't make the mistake again," added Pike, half-contemptuously. "He knew which was his lordship fast enough to-day, and which wasn't." "Then what did you mean by insinuating that the blow on the temple was the result of violence?" "I didn't say it was: I said it might have been.

You're not likely ever to forget the auburn hair, but you may, lad, you may, for there is no perfection in this world, and soldiering is a dangerous life." Andre smiled half-contemptuously. He felt that the advice was needless. Petroff also smiled kindly, for he knew that it might be needful.

Thick in the chance and circumstance of the outer camp, heavily involved financially and already a crushing financial force, meshed in, or spinning in his turn the strands and counter-strands of intrigue, with a dozen men already mortally offended and a woman or two alarmed or half-contemptuously on guard, flattered, covetous, or afraid, the limit of Neergard's intelligence was reached; his present horizon ended the world for him because he could not imagine anything beyond it; and that smirking vanity which had 'squired him so far, hat in hand, now plucked off its mask and leered boldly about in the wake of its close-eyed master.

Do you hear? "One thing in them unquenchable, Subduing, sweet, desirable, To nurse their mutual flame in love!" And you talk about Agrafena! Narkiz chuckled half-contemptuously, half-indifferently. 'What a queer fish it is! he said to himself. But the brigadier had again relapsed into dejection, the rod had dropped from his hands and slipped into the water.

Both hands clasped upon his sword-hilt, erect, a proud figure of misfortune, he stood there and studied her, half-wonderingly, half-contemptuously. The restless forces at his back were forgotten. They were no more to him than the pawns with which his will played life and death. He was their god and their faith.

To her faithful friends Rome was just, and now and then half-contemptuously generous. The idle Greek fine gentlemen of Tarentum sat in their theatre one day, overlooking the sea, shaded by dyed awnings from the afternoon sun, listening entranced to some grand play, the Oedipus King, perhaps, or Alcestis, or Medea.

"In where?" replied the aggravating Brown, shouldering his way in at the gate and intoxicated with his own importance. "What are you talking about?" "Why, who's been elected for Shellport? Is Pony in?" shouted the boys, impatiently. "Pony!" rejoined Brown, half-contemptuously, "do you suppose they'd have an old stick like him!" "What," exclaimed Merrison. "Is Cheeseman in after all, then?" "Eh?"

Rapp was not a shining light in these brilliant circles. He was a Governor not for peace, but for war. His day was yet to come. Such men as de Casimir shrugged their supple shoulders at his simple talk. They spoke of him half-contemptuously as of one who had had a thousand chances and had never taken them. He was not even rich, and he had handled great sums of money.

I ascribed my humble temper and ideas to the influence of country life and happiness!... On the other side, I had long observed that all my neighbours, young and old alike, who had been frightened at first by my learning, my residence abroad, and my other advantages of education, had not only had time to get completely used to me, but had even begun to treat me half-rudely, half-contemptuously, did not listen to my observations, and, in talking to me, no longer made use of superfluous signs of respect.

"I was not fishing for thanks," returned Gaut, half-contemptuously, "but wished a few words with you on private matters which concern only you and myself. And, to come to the point at once, I would ascertain, in the first place, if you know whether you and I are understood, in this settlement, to be old acquaintances or new ones?"