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They could scarcely wait till the doctor had departed before they vehemently denounced the idea. "Well," said Merrison, "if that's not what you call adding insult to injury, I don't know what you do! I know I mean to write every letter of my impot if it was a thousand lines instead of a hundred!" "So shall I; and I'll not stir out of doors all Wednesday afternoon either," said another.

"Please, sir, it's not that," said Merrison, hurriedly, alarmed at being suspected of anything like contrition. "It's not that; we " "You can leave the impositions on the table," said the doctor, sternly, turning at the same time to continue his conversation with Mr Parrett, which the arrival of the visitors had interrupted. It was a sad blow for Willoughby, this! They had expected better things.

"In where?" replied the aggravating Brown, shouldering his way in at the gate and intoxicated with his own importance. "What are you talking about?" "Why, who's been elected for Shellport? Is Pony in?" shouted the boys, impatiently. "Pony!" rejoined Brown, half-contemptuously, "do you suppose they'd have an old stick like him!" "What," exclaimed Merrison. "Is Cheeseman in after all, then?" "Eh?"

This was a terrible blow, and in the general dismay which followed, Brown was temporarily overlooked. "Eight hundred and twenty-five!" exclaimed Merrison. "Why, it's an awful licking. Every one was sure Pony would be five hundred ahead." "It's foul play and bribery, depend on it," said another. "Or they've counted wrong." "Or Brown is telling lies!"

"What is all this?" inquired the doctor, sharply, a little bit frightened, perhaps, at this sudden and mysterious invasion of his privacy. Merrison was pushed forward by the crowd, and advancing paper in hand, replied for the company generally. "Please, sir," said he, "we've brought the impositions." "Eh?" said the doctor. "The impositions, sir.

We didn't want to be let off, so we stayed in yesterday afternoon, all of us, and wrote them." From the tones in which Merrison uttered this explanation one might have supposed he expected the doctor to fall on his neck and shed tears of joy over the lofty virtue of his pupils.