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"Me come back!" he exclaimed in gutteral English, using about half of his foreign vocabulary. "I see you did," answered Professor Bumper in the man's own tongue. "Glad to see you. Is everything all right?" "All right," was the answer. "These Indians will take you where you want to go, and will not leave you as Jacinto did."

A low, gutteral laugh was the only answer vouchsafed to this by Mr. Perry Jounce. "You know the job was a botch?" "I don't know nothin' about it." "Well, anyhow, Andrew does, and he refuses to pay a cent until somebody goes up for the murder of that girl. Do you understand?" "No, I don't!" The eyes of the tramp still fixed themselves in an ugly glow on the countenance of Keene.

He flung himself into a chair after the outburst, his big chest surging, his throat tumultuous with gutteral incoherences. "Now then," he said, huskily, when the anguish had somewhat abated, "what do you want to do?" "Sir?" "What do you WANT to do, I said." Taken by surprise, Bibbs stammered. "What what do I what " "If I'd let you do exactly what you had the whim for, what would you do?"

"I vos jus' thinking I had better be getting avay, he continued in his hoarse, gutteral voice, 'ven snick.!... I hears a key in the front door. I vos, standing by the staircase... I had no time to get out by the vay I had kom so I vent opstairs to the landing vere there vos a curtain. I shlip behind the curtain and vait!

He flung himself into the wide chair which gaped to receive him, and glared at the dark face of his visitor. "What in the hell do I pay you for?" he cried brutally, lapsing, in his anger, into that gutteral Teutonic accent which it was his life's object to avoid. "A wild cat's scheme it was I tell you from the first. You go to this Sachigo with your men.

"It would never do," agreed Ivan Petrofsky. "The campaign of education is the only way." There were gutteral objections on the part of the other Russians, and they turned to more cheerful subjects of talk. "What are your plans?" asked Tom of the exile. "You say you can get no trace here of your brother?" "No, he seems to have totally disappeared from sight.

"Huh!" was the gutteral reply, as the man jumped back into the skiff, and pushed off. Dan looked once more towards the distant schooner and the slight figure in the stern. Then he started at a rapid pace for the Inn. As he turned into the avenue of maples, he was surprised to see Jesse standing on the gallery, musket in hand, as though he were a sentinel on guard. "Bless my soul, Mister Dan!

He also wore a cap surmounted by a coral ball, and this he placed upon one of the black cushions set before a golden stool. Then, resting heavily upon his stick, he began to speak in French! As on listens to a dream-voice, I listened to that, alternately gutteral and sibilant, of the terrible Chinese doctor. He was defending himself!

Latham ran through his afternoon mail with feverish haste and found nothing; Mr. Schultze achieved the same result more ponderously. On the following morning the mail still brought nothing. About eleven o'clock Mr. Latham's desk telephone rang. "Come to my offiz," requested Mr. Schultze, in gutteral excitement. "Mein Gott, Laadham, der come to my offiz, Laadham, und bring der diamond!" Mr.

It dropped, with a resounding bang and I distinctly heard a bolt shot home. A gutteral voice the unmistakable, unforgettable voice of Fu-Manchu sounded dimly from below. I turned and sprang back to the rail of the platform, peering down into the hashish house. The occupants of the divans were making for the curtained doorway.