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Then she thought of Miss Port's question. Good manners, indeed! "Well," said the perturbed Maria, after having been informed by the captain that his niece was accustomed to move in the best circles, "I don't want to go into the house again, for if I was to meet her, I'm sure I couldn't keep my temper. But I'll say this to you, Captain Asher, that I pity the woman that's her guardeen.

"Only I want it understood, right now, I ain't no guardeen, an' won't be, to nawthin' that walks in petticoats! What I'm thinkin' of is the old cow out yonder, an' them hens o' Joe's what I seen a-roostin' over the cowstall." "Them's all Rosy-Lilly's, an' goes with us an' her to camp to-morrer," answered Johnson with decision.

"Any man that's soft-headed enough to have a gander followin' him round everywhere he goes ought to have a guardeen appointed," suggested Mr. Tate, acidulously, after he had recovered his dog and had cuffed his ears. "My garnder is a gent side of any low-lived dog that ever gnawed carrion," retorted Mr. Gammon, his funereal gloom lifting to show one flash of resentment.

"He got a pretty stiff sum," answered Fox cautiously. "Do you keep his money?" "Yes." "Is he easy to manage?" asked John Blake. "Well, some folks might find trouble with him," said Fox, complacently. "The fact is, gentlemen, I don't mind telling you that he's been trying to buck agin' his guardeen a'ready. Where do you think I left him?" continued Fox, chuckling. "Where?"

Each of us to name the other for guardeen, in case of accident, and each one picking a name for the kid, and giving him our share in the claims and anything else we may happen to own." He stopped abruptly, his jaw sagging a little at some unpleasant thought. "I don't know come to think of it, I can't just leave the kid all my property.

"My friend, who elected you guardeen to Buck Weaver?" drawled the big man carelessly. "I wish you would go," Phyllis pleaded, plainly troubled over his obstinacy. "Me, I always hated to disoblige a lady," Buck admitted. "Then go," she cried eagerly. "But I hate still more to go back on my word. So I'll stay." There was nothing more to be said. They rode forward to the ranch.

And away he went down the water-spout, over the roof, and vanished among the budding honey-suckles below. "Ain't he a funny guardeen?" exclaimed Phebe, as she went off with the cups. "He is a very kind one, I think," answered Rose, following, to prowl round the big boxes and try to guess which was hers.

The old man is lawin' with Judge Thatcher about Huck's money, and Huck ain't had any peace of mind since we found the treasure. Don't think I'm puttin' on airs, when I say that this findin' of treasure ain't what it's cracked up to be. You see I ain't got my own money either. Aunt Polly is my guardeen, and it's put away until I grow up and have some sense, as she says.

I've been a fool, Jefferson, and it would have been money in my pocket if I'd had a guardeen." "So you mortgaged the place to Squire Sheldon, uncle?" "Yes; I had to. I was obliged to meet my notes." "But surely the squire will extend the mortgage." "No, he won't. I've asked him.

That is I guess mebbe I did wave me piece around while I was arguin' I can always convince a guy better if I got somethin' in me hand. But I didn't git real rough." "You are lucky to be still alive, Senhor Tim," said Lourenço. "If Monitaya were not the man he is you would not be alive. I am glad we have returned." "Meanin' I need a guardeen? Say, lookit here now " "As you were!" clipped McKay.