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Since then I have felt that somewhere there must be a great religion written on the earth and in the sky. As to what this could offer in peace to Gordon Orme I do not say. His was a vast debt. Perhaps Truth never accepted it as paid. I do not know. There he sat, at last smiling again as he looked up. "Fingers getting dreadfully stiff. Tongue will go next.

For two weeks Tom Gordon prosecuted his vocation as a newsboy in the city of New York, by which time he had gained enough experience to earn his daily bread, but nothing beyond that. Such being the case, he felt that he was not making a success of his calling, as there was no reserve fund upon which to draw for clothing or other necessities.

And while they sat planning their future life, Gordon's footstep echoed in the hall. When Gordon entered the library he glanced uneasily at his wife and she smiled in insolent composure. Overman rose hastily. "Sorry the weather was so threatening I couldn't persuade your wife to go to the Temple, Frank."

"I shall give my orders to you, sir, as the captain of the company, as far as practicable," replied Captain Gordon. "How many men have you?" "Sixty-four, besides the two lieutenants." "How many of them are armed with rifles?" "More than I thought when I spoke to you about them, for there are forty-two of them; and they are skilled in the use of their weapons."

When Lord Wolseley told the soldiers at Korti on their return from Metemmah, "It was not your fault that Gordon has perished and Khartoum fallen," the positiveness of his assurance may have been derived from the inner conviction of his own stupendous error.

"But it's wus," continued Dan, "for masther an' Miss Gordon than for us, darlint there, now, don't toss yer head, mavourneen, ye know we can git spliced av we like whenever I git a noo sitiwation; but masther can't well throw up the wan he's got, an' yit it won't kape him an' his wife. Och! worse luck! Av we could only diskiver a goold mine now, or somethin' o' that sort."

Gordon was away from home during much of the day; he had a chemical laboratory in which he was greatly interested, and which he took Bernard to see; it was fitted up with the latest contrivances for the pursuit of experimental science, and was the resort of needy young students, who enjoyed, at Gordon's expense, the opportunity for pushing their researches.

Miss Jean Gordon, the only factory inspector in Louisiana, is at present waging a strong fight against the attempt to exempt "first-class" theatres from the child-labour law. Mrs. Nellie Upham, of Colorado, is President and General Manager of the Gold Divide Mining, Milling, and Tunnel Company of Colorado and directs 300 workmen.

But no one could thrash him; and no one durst complain. However, let's change the subject, old fellow! I've got over it long since; though sometimes I think the wish to see Regy again helps to keep me a decent sort of fellow. But when I saw the likeness this morning, it startled me; and then to hear the story, it seemed like a dream the Gordon affair over again.

I am ready to go. I want only two companions to aid me in the long journey, and those I have come to look for here." John Gordon stepped forward, laid a hand upon the speaker's shoulder, and said: "My friend, I am your man." Mario Carlo seized the hand and shook it with all his force. "You will not repent the step. But" turning again to the crowd "we want one more."