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But that minx, Almiry, hed ben and let on abaout her own sarsy way er servin' on me, an' Car'line jest up an' said she warn't goan to hev annybuddy's leavin's; so daown I come ag'in. "Things was gettin' desper't by that time; for aunt was failin' rapid, an' the story hed leaked aout some way, so the hull taown was gigglin' over it.

I warn't in no hurry, fer merryin' is an awful resky bizness; an' I warn't goan to be took in by nobuddy. Some haouw I couldn't make up my mind which I'd hev, and kept dodgin', all ready to slew raound, an' hitch on tew ary one that seemed likeliest.

I thought I'd better quit them parts; but aunt she showed me her will all done complete, 'sceptin the fust name er the legatee. 'There, sez she, 'it all depends on yeou, whether that place is took by Hiram or Josiah. It's easy done, an' so it's goan tew stan till the last minit. That riled me consid'able, an' I streaked off tew May Jane Simlin's.

Tim walked back to the fence. In the morning the farm superintendent found on the door-sill a roughly pencilled note which read: "Hav goan bak to the sitty P S chefetun warnted to goe so I tuk him. Tim Doyle." They were ten days on the road, ten delightful days of irresponsible vagabondism. Sometimes Tim rode on Chieftain's back and sometimes he walked beside him.

Thot daay whan yo sot there in thot chair by t' fire, taalkin' t' mae and drinkin' yore tae so pretty." She drew closer to him. "Did you really love me then?" "Ay I looved yo than." She pondered it. "Jim what would you have done if I hadn't loved you?" He choked back something in his throat before he answered her. "What sud I have doon? I sud have goan on looving yo joost the saame.

The old servant confirmed this statement, but muttered: 'I'd rayther he'd goan hisseln for t' doctor! I sud ha, taen tent o' t' maister better nor him and he warn't deead when I left, naught o' t' soart! I insisted on the funeral being respectable. Mr. Heathcliff said I might have my own way there too: only, he desired me to remember that the money for the whole affair came out of his pocket.

There wur joy when thaa brought him into th' world, and theer's sorrow naa he's goan aat afore his time. Ey, dear! A mother's life's like an April morn sunleet and cloud, fleshes o' breetness, and showers o' rain. And closing her eyes, she, too, slept.

It noan seems reet that thee and me should be sittin' by th' fire, and little Job yonder cowd i' th' shadow. Let's pool up th' settle to th' fire; he's one on us, though he's deead. 'Let him alone, lass; he's better off nor them as wants fire; there's no cowd wheer he's goan. Rising from her chair, and turning the sheet once more from off the boy's face, the mother said: 'Where hasto goan, lad?

Ruther light complected, and has a long cut in his face that shows awful white when he gits his back up. Thunder! he pretty nearly scared me with that gash one night when he was drunk. It seemed to open and shut like a clam-shell, and made him look like a Voodoo priest! You'd think the blood was goan to spurt out by the yard."

Fin'lly, I said I'd dew it, as it warn't a hard nor a bad trade; and begun to look raound fer Mis Flint, Jr. Aunt was dreadf'l pleased; but 'mazin pertickler as tew who was goan tew stan' in her shoes, when she was fetched up ag'inst the etarnal boom.