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"What's that?" Scott demanded, wheeling round. "Skuze me, sah, nothin' er tall. Jest er passin' de time o' de day, sah." "Didn't I tell you that we would pay you for everything we got?" "Yas, sah, an' you's er generman, sah; yas, I thanks you fur gwinter pay me." "Yo' supper is done an' ef you'll jest gib me room I'll fix de table," the woman remarked, taking the bread off the griddle.

He doesn't know we're off, an' once we're tied up at the dock and we hear Mac's been talkin' we'll just spread the word that he was so soused he jumped overboard an' swum ashore without waitin' to see if we could back off. Lordy, Gib, don't work me to death. I'm that weary I could flop on this wet deck an' be off to sleep in a pig's whisper." "I dunno but what there's reason in what you say," Mr.

I had everything else, Scraggs, but heirs to my throne. Scraggsy, believe me or not, but if I'd had children I'd have stuck by Pinky. I wouldn't desert my own flesh an' blood, so help me." "Well," Scraggs went on sorrowfully, "Pinky's dead an' so her troubles is over. I heard some years ago she'd passed on with consumption. But them two hapahaole kids o' yourn, Gib. Just think of it.

I found the thin brose provided more palatable than the soup of the evening before, and managed to consume a pannikin of it. As I finished, I perceived that Gib had squatted by my side. There was clearly some change in the man, for he gave the woman Isobel some very ill words when she started ranting.

Three minutes later another delegation of cannibals arrived, bearing the limp, naked body of Captain Scraggs, whom they bound in similar fashion to the post beside Mr. Gibney. Scraggs was very white and bloody, but conscious, and his pale-blue eyes were flickering like a snake's. "What's what's the meanin' of this, Gib?" he gasped.

"Please, 'm," and Dinah stood in the door in all the glory of her gay afternoon turban, which seemed to make her face more black and shining "Please, 'm, dere's a young sojer man jus' come. He got a bundle an' he say he got strict d'rections to gib it to missy. An' here's de ticket." "Oh, for me!" Doris took it eagerly and read aloud, "Lieutenant E. D. Hawthorne."

"Bart," he demanded, "did you loan Scraggsy some money?" The honest McGuffey hung his head. "A little bit," he replied childishly. "What d'ye call a little bit?" "Three hundred dollars, Gib." "Secured?" "He gimme his note at eight per cent. The savin's bank only pays four." "Is the note secured by endorsement or collateral?" "No." "Hum-m-m!

"What, without the needle not go to the justice of the peace?" "No; for only see this hole which Gib, the cat, tore in my prettiest cap awhile ago, as I took the cap out of the box and laid it on the table. Indeed I cannot go to the justice of the peace with such a hole in my cap! Search then, Hodge, search, so that I can mend my cap, and go with you to the justice of the peace!"

"Dem's my sentiments," cried Dolf, "and I knows fair Miss Clorinda 'grees wid dem she coincidates, if yer'll 'scuse the leetle bit ob dictionery." Victoria made a grimace behind Clo's back, but said, graciously: "I'se gwine ter gib yer dat ar blue handkercher Miss Elsie gub me, Clo," she said, "so now let's make up and be comfoble."

"Golly, Mass' Hald'n," exclaimed Accra Prout, our stalwart mulatto cook, whose sinuous arm had thus incontinently settled the dispute between my sable opponent and myself. "I'se guess dis chile gib dat black debble goss, noh ow!"