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Updated: September 9, 2024

Melvin concerning the particulars of the agreement I want drawn and signed in the transaction that is to take place between you and Roderick Duncan, in which I am, personally, so deeply concerned, in which I am to figure as the collateral security." The old man stared at his daughter, with an expression that had made many a Wall-street financier turn pale with apprehension.

If in the prosecution of his design he should deem it expedient to remove any of the dead they would have the right to be suitably reinterred. This Mr. Jefferson Doman was from Elizabethtown, New Jersey, where six years before he had left his heart in the keeping of a golden-haired, demure-mannered young woman named Mary Matthews, as collateral security for his return to claim her hand.

Allen had a snug little property of her own, which had been secured to her on first mortgages, and in bonds that were quiet and safe. These her husband held in trust for her, and now pledged them as collateral on which to borrow money to carry through his gigantic operation. In respect to part of this transaction, Mrs.

With the compression of lip and significant shake of the head of a physician about to take in hand a hopeless case of illness, the justice made known to his two neighbors the text of the sheet of paper, on which Claude Odouart de Buxieres had written, in his coarse, ill-regulated hand, the following lines: "Not knowing my collateral heirs, and caring nothing about them, I give and bequeath all my goods and chattels "

The next day, three miles after leaving Haura, we quitted the Wadi Kasr and at last, at the village of Alimani, entered the main valley of the Hadhramout. It is here very broad, being at least eight miles from cliff to cliff, and receives collateral valleys from all sides, forming, as it were, a great basin.

In pre-Listerian days, the silk ligature around the artery likewise favoured the changes that lead to secondary hæmorrhage, and the interesting observation was often made, that when the collateral circulation was well established, the leakage occurred on the distal side of the ligature.

I prefer presenting a certain order of subjects to be pursued; observing, however, that it may be somewhat irksome to pursue any one branch for too long a period unvaried. When that is found to be the case, the last five heads may be adopted as collateral studies, and pursued simultaneously with the first three. These heads or branches are 1. Real Estate and Equity. 2.

"Should we, Frank?" Ramos chuckled after a moment. "Possibly... We've got some collateral, Art. Lots more valuable per unit mass than any raw metal, I should think." "So you might want to work for us?" Art inquired blandly. "Not 'for'," Nelsen chuckled. "We might say 'with'." "Okay, Cuties," Art laughed. Joe Kuzak had just come back into the dwelling and office bubb.

"Camilla," she had once said, "you will drive that man mad before you have done." "What is it to you how I drive him?" Camilla had answered in her fury. Then Arabella had again shrugged her shoulders and walked away. Between Camilla and her mother, too, there had come to be an almost internecine quarrel on a collateral point.

John L. Aspinwall, of the firm of Messrs. Howland & Aspinwall, and he gave me a letter of credit from his firm on Baring Brothers, for a large sum on collateral securities, which a spirit of genuine respect for my enterprise induced him to accept. "After disposing of several pieces of property for cash, I footed up the various amounts, and still discovered myself $5,000 short.

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