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Here's another cup of tea, and I brought you up the evening paper; thought you might want to look it over. And if you'll give me your trunk checks, I'll send the expressman after your baggage." "My trunk checks what did I do with them? Why, of course, I gave them to my maid." A sudden instinct that she did not wish to see her maid, or be followed by her baggage, made her stop short in her speech.

Again Miss Nellie recognized the perfume with which the gallant expressman was wont to make redolent her little parlor, but again she avowed no knowledge of its possessor. "Well," returned Low, with some disappointment, "such a man has been here. Be on your guard. Let us go at once." She required no urging to hasten her steps, but hurried breathlessly at his side.

"Oh, I don't think it would be possible for them to arrive here before we have to start, even if Dicky gives them to an expressman right away, as I am sure he will do." It seemed queer to be defending Dicky to his mother, but I felt a curious little thrill of resentment that she should criticise him.

I have expected an expressman after it every day, but none has come. That is another reason why I have felt anxious." "I do not wonder," I exclaimed. "Sometimes," she observed, "I have thought it was my duty to speak to the police about the matter; it would be such a dreadful thing if any harm had come to her."

He was always sending her rare things, and pitying her because she was poor and longing to send her money, though dad wouldn't have that." The appearance of an expressman warned them that they were nearing Boston. "You're perfectly sure that you're willing to exchange New York for Enderby?" demanded Elsie Moss suddenly. "Oh, yes, indeed, Elsie." "And you don't yearn for Cousin Julia?"

It is probable that this act of generous daring might have ended in the death of both men but for a diversion caused by the sudden and unexpected appearance of the military expressman. He came up a slope from a lower level, and, taking in the situation at a glance, let fly three shots from his breech-loading carbine that caused the Indians to lie low. The three men rode to the ranch, and Mr.

"You are in hard luck!" commented Bobby, who had overheard, as she danced off to open the door to the grinning expressman. "All the porters are busy!" the man explained. "So I just told 'em Tim McCarthy wasn't one to stand by and let work go undone. Where would ye be wantin' these little bags put now?"

"Yep," said Massey, the druggist, at his front door, and whom the expressman had hailed. "And here comes the procession." From up the hill came a troop of boys most of them belonging in the upper class of the school. Marty was one of them, and in their midst walked the young schoolmaster! "I snum!" ejaculated Walky. "I guess that feller ain't got no friends oh, no!" and he chuckled.

There was a cigar and news stand two blocks down, the landlady said, where an expressman had his headquarters. There was a blue sign out in front: "Schulz Express"; Rose couldn't miss it. The landlady went away to write out a receipt. Rose closed the door after her and locked it. It was a purely symbolistic act.

I'll help you and we can book them afterward." The expressman ran for a truck and they hastily weighed and piled on boxes. When the last one was loaded from the wagon, a heap more lying in the office were added, pitched on indiscriminately as the train pulled under the sheds of the Union Station. "I'll push," cried the Harvester, "and help you get them on."