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"I should think as much!" observed the elder girl, explosively; "or they will never get up even to seven. The idea of Mr. Belden's proposing to enlarge by taking that ground adjoining! But of course poor pa didn't put up the building himself, nor anything; oh no! So he doesn't know whether the walls will stand a couple of extra stories or not.

I tell you, without the firing of a gun unless we insist on a battle," explosively rejoined a fiery-hued little man sitting next to Monsieur Paul; "but you will see we shall insist. There is between us and Germany an inextinguishable hate and we must kill, kill, right and left!" "Allons allons!" protested the table, in chorus.

"I want you to take me seriously," persisted Jefferson. Ryder, Sr., was not a patient man. His moments of good humour were of brief duration. Anything that savoured of questioning his authority always angered him. The smile went out of his face and he retorted explosively: "Go on damn it all! Be serious if you want, only don't take so long about it. But understand one thing.

Stalky was watching the chaplain's face. "I have my doubts." Then, explosively, "On my word, for three moderately intelligent boys you aren't very observant. I suppose you were too busy making things warm for your house-master to see what lay under your noses when you were in the form-rooms last week?" "What, sir? I I swear we didn't see anything," said Beetle. "Then I'd advise you to look.

The motor raced for the climb up into the garage and raced once more, explosively, before it was shut off. A final opening and slamming of the car door. Silence then, a horrible silence filled with waiting, till the leisurely Mr. Doppelbrau had examined the state of his tires and had at last shut the garage door. Instantly, for Babbitt, a blessed state of oblivion.

Are you aware of that?" She nodded. "There was nothing to write. And I've been very busy." He drew in his breath, held it for a minute, and let it go again explosively. "Charlotte," said he, presently, "it seems to me I've lost ground with you. I wish I knew why.

"Your Majesty," cut in Von Ritz sharply, "it is time to terminate this talk. It has no end. It is aimless argument which comes only back to the starting point." The King wheeled and met the eyes of his adviser. The studied self-control he had maintained since Cara's arrival slipped from him and his voice broke out explosively. "It has an end!" he cried. "I will show you the end.

Who were these strangers that intruded on her privacy offering a consolation she did not want? Miss Deetle, as if glad of the opportunity to joke at her brother's expense, said explosively: "My dear Pontifex, you have already offered a strawberry festival which Mrs. Rossmore has been unable to accept." "Well, what of it?" demanded Mr. Deetle, glaring at his sister for the irrelevant interruption.

"That should not make any girl unhappy," he remarked sagely. "Because you don't love him is no reason of course, you don't love him?" Loretta shook her head and shoulders in a vigorous negative. "What?" Bashford wanted to make sure. "No," she asserted explosively. "I don't love Billy! I don't want to love Billy!"

Now I glad I got no old wife beat a drum wit' her tongue in my teepee." "Women! You're right there!" cried Sam explosively. "They're no good. They're savages! Women confuse and weaken a man; spoil him for a man's work. I'm done with them!" A slow smile lighted Musq'oosis ugly old face. "W'en a man talk lak that," he remarked, "I t'ink pretty soon some woman goin' get him sure."