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"Anything," said Randy, explosively, "that would make the world sit up." "Ever tried it?" "Yes. At school. I talked to a teacher of mine once about it. He said I had better invent a pill " The Major stared, "A pill?" Randy nodded. "He didn't quite mean it, of course. But he saw the modern trend. A poet? A poor thing! But hats off to the pillmaker with his multi-millions!"

"Understand what you like," said the other with sullen ferocity. "Will you let us have that back again?" "No," said the Jew explosively. "I have no fear of a dog like you; if it was worth the trouble I'd send for the police and hand you over to them." "Call them," said the other; "do; I'll wait. But mark my words, if you don't give us the stone back you're a dead man.

And you haven't been South. Things can't help looking different down there." "Vera!" cried Miss Elton so explosively that Lena sat up straighter than ever, "you're not really a renegade yourself, are you?" and she spoke as though her life depended on the answer. "Certainly not," Mrs. Lenox answered. "But I'm growing tolerant toward the poor old world as it is.

"Another thought strikes me," said Overtop, explosively. "It's nearly half an hour to sunset. I am impatient to begin my acquaintance with our fellow citizens our future friends, if I may so call them. Let us look out of the windows, and see what the excellent people are doing. Perhaps it may interest even a recluse and bookworm like you." "Nonsense," rejoined Marcus Wilkeson.

"The Bishop went away this morning." "Damn!" said the mayor explosively. "I wanted to get his opinion about Clark, that's his name, Robert Fisher Clark. Well, so long." He went on to his store where he was overtaken by Clark who had tramped back from the rapids.

On the beach tiny spots of lights twinkled where some one had built fires. A warmth was stealing out from the shore over the troubled waters. Talbot leaned on the rail by my side. Suddenly he chuckled explosively. "I was just thinking," said he in explanation, "of us damfools roosting on that beach in the rain." Thus at last we escaped from the Isthmus.

"You'll be back with your wife soon, Willis," he said encouragingly. "Yes, sir." Then the patrolman said explosively: "Sergeant! There's nothing coming from the Coalsack way! There's nothing for the Huks to fight!" "True, at the moment," admitted Sergeant Madden, "but something could come. Not likely But you see, Willis, the Huks have had armed forces for a long time. They've glamour.

"It is very helpful to me to get this courteous hearing from you; for to tell you the truth," he added rather explosively, "I find it a very, very great effort to speak to you like this at all. You see, I am talking of things that go right to the centre of the human heart things that a man never speaks of to a man, and only once to a woman. It has to be done, but it is hard, hard!"

Is it May's?" she asked, suddenly turning her face from the window. "Yes." "It was May who sent you to fetch me, then? How kind of her!" He made no answer for a moment; then he said explosively: "Your husband's secretary came to see me the day after we met in Boston."

However, the bishop played his part in a soothingly conventional way, manipulated his apron and his calves with senile dignity, stood still and gazed ardently at ceilings and vistas, and said at intervals, explosively and hoarsely: "Ha! Very, interesting! Very interesting! Very fine! Very fine! Noble!"