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"I should come ostensibly to see you," he said, cheerfully; "to smoke a pipe with you." "Smoke!" stuttered the captain, explosively; "smoke a pipe with ME?" "Why not?" said the other. "I am offering you my services, and anything that is worth having is worth paying for. I suppose we could both smoke pipes under pleasanter conditions. What have you got against me?

"For mercy's sake don't go and say that you are a Radical at heart too," I cried. "N-n-o. But isn't it rot, the whole business?" "What whole business?" "Ask Mr Fordyce there. He will tell you. I see it in his eye." "What is rot, Robin?" I asked. "Party government?" "Yes," said Robin, quite explosively for him. "It is such a scandalous waste of power and material." He laid down his cigar.

He loved every word of it, from the moment she explosively told him that it was all very well to hee-haw up there like a doited giraffe, and his mind felt the same pleasure that the palate gets out of a good curry as she told him that the English were a miserable, decadent people who were held together only by the genius and application of the Scotch, that English industry was dependent for its existence on Scotch engineers, and that English education consisted solely of Univairsities that were no more than genteel athletic clubs, and begged him to consider the implication of the fact that the Scotch, though a smaller people than the English, had defended a larger country....

Westervelt, watching with uneasy eyes the growing intimacy of his star and her playwright, began to hint his displeasure to Hugh, and at last openly to protest. "What does she mean?" he asked, explosively. "Does she dream of marrying the man? That would be madness! Death! Tell her so, my boy." Hugh concealed his own anxiety. "Oh, don't worry, they're only good comrades."

"Chee-chee!" A startled voice came out of the speaker: "What's that?" "Chee," said Murgatroyd zestfully. The communicator was talking to him. Murgatroyd adored three things, in order. One was Calhoun. The second was coffee. The third was pretending to converse like a human being. The speaker said explosively, "You there, identify yourself!" "Chee-chee-chee-chee!" observed Murgatroyd.

No fire had been laid in the small, air-tight stove; the room had a closed, musty smell, and was more chill than the night without; his breath hung before him in a white vapor. Soon he had wood burning explosively, the stove grew rapidly red hot and the chill vanished. He saw beyond the lamp with its shade of minute, variously-colored silks the effigy of Mrs. Hollidew dead.

He stretched a big shaking hand toward Jorth. "Thet Nez Perce Isbel beat me half to death," he bellowed. Jorth stared hard at the tragic, almost grotesque figure, at the battered face. But speech failed him. It was Daggs who answered Bruce. "Wal, Simm, I'll be damned if you don't look it." "Beat you! What with?" burst out Jorth, explosively.

"An earnest desire to promote peace. She thought it might be better if Honour did not appear to-night. No, my Arturo," as Sir Arthur moved explosively, "it was a warning given out of pure kindness to me, a foreigner. I told her what had happened, and she went away, I trust, satisfied. She thought me cold, I fear, for I restrained both voice and words." "Better, much better.

Shortly the silence got on her nerves; and such was her nature, as contrasted with Van Emmon's whereas he had stated causes first, she went straight to effects. "Well," explosively, "Van and I have split!" Smith was seldom surprised at anything. This time was no exception. He merely murmured "Sorry" under his breath; and Billie rushed on, her pent-up feelings eager to escape.

Schuyler raised his hand, protestingly. "But," he began, "I " The doctor cried, explosively: "Don't you try to argue with me, young man. I've neglected my practice and let everything go to the devil to come over here, and I don't want any of your dashed buts thrown at me. You get your hat and coat and you come with me. D'ye hear me?" "I can't go," said Schuyler.