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In less than twenty-four hours, half of Ella's acquaintances were talking of her discarding Henry on account of his father's failure, and saying "that they expected it, 'twas like her."

"You are a very thoughtful girl," he said, when she had finished, "and I hope I shall some time repay you for your kindness to myself and Ella." But Dora did not wish for any pay, and at the mention of Ella's name her tears burst forth afresh. The next morning, when news of Mr. Hastings's return was received at Locust Grove, Eugenia at once suggested that Dora be sent for immediately.

Under his direction the jury had returned a verdict of "justifiable homicide," and Ella's illness had had at least one good result of making it impossible for her to attend to give her evidence in person. At a trial, of course, everything would have had to be told in full, but both Allen, Deede Dawson's accomplice, and Walter Dunsmore, his instigator and employer, had vanished utterly.

You'se bofe too deep fer me. How you git into polytics I doan see nohow." "There, Aun' Sheba, don't you mind Ella's nonsense. We're no more into politics than you are." "You'se inter sump'in den." "Yes," said Ella, "we're still carrying on the war." "Please don't talk so, Ella." "Oh, Mara! I must have my nonsense.

I regret to say that my father is still very ill, and that his physician enjoins the utmost care and quiet until he recovers from his nervous shock. With much respect, I am, Gratefully yours, When Ella's physician came the following day, he found his patient so much better that he could not account for it until he had heard the glad news. The healthful, elastic nature of the girl rallied swiftly.

Ella and her charge went into town in the afternoon, and loitered into the club for tea. Susan, whose color was already burning high, and whose eyes were dancing, fretted inwardly at Ella's leisurely enjoyment of a second and a third sup. It was nearly six o'clock, it was after six!

I never in my life knew a young lady so prolific of flats as you. There was a pause, then a giggle, then an explosion; and then the poor girl, bursting into tears, rushed out of the room. It was at Ella's house that I first heard Joachim, then about sixteen, I suppose. He had not yet performed in London. All the musical celebrities were present to hear the youthful prodigy.

She and Emily lounged about their bright, warm apartments, these winter mornings, until nine o'clock, lingered over their breakfast talking, talking and talking, until the dining-room clock struck a silvery, sweet eleven; and perhaps drifted into Miss Ella's room for more talk, or amused themselves with Chow Yew's pidgin English, while he filled vases in one of the pantries.

Ella's travelling-cap had been inside the bundle before, but Kate took it out and advised her to carry it in her hand-bag, as being easily accessible if she did not wish to undo the strap.

God bless you, son! you're a good boy the Lord's presarved you through the whole on't the Lord be praised! but your father, poor lad your father!" and with a strong burst of emotion, she buried her face upon his breast, and wept aloud. "I know it," sobbed forth Isaac, his whole frame shaken with the force of his feelings: "I I know the whole on't, mother Ella's told me.