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'Curse him! sed de reb; 'he spoil my ebenin' wid Miss S'wanee, but tell her I win her colors yet, an' pay dis Yankee cap'n a bigger interest in blows dan he eber had afo. Den he 'splain how he got his men togedder, an' he foun' anoder 'tachment ob rebs, an' how dey would all come in de mawnin', as soon as light, an' ride right ober eberyting, an' 'lease de cunnel an' all de oder pris'ners.

An' so, says I, 'Cato, your buttons mus' wait' An' Cato, he sees de 'priety ob it, 'cause, dough he can't make cake like me, he's a 'mazin' good judge on't, an' is dre'ful tickled when I slips out a little loaf for his supper." "How is Mrs. Marvyn?" said Mrs. Scudder. "Kinder thin and shimmery; but she's about, habin' her eyes eberywar, 'n' lookin' into eberyting.

Hi, 'oman!" he suddenly cried, turning the rays of the lantern in all directions, though the kitchen was quite light enough without them. "What de matter now, ole man?" asked Dinah. "Where Nora? I lef' her here an' she aint here now! where she gone?" "Hi, ole man, what you ax me for? how you 'spect I know?" "Well, I 'clare ef dat don't beat eberyting!"

"Mighty little arter de mor'giges an' taxes was paid. Didn't I help dem pack up what dey tink dey could sabe, and see poah Missy Mara wrung her han's as she gib up dis ting an' dat ting till at las' she cry right out, 'Mought as well gib up eberyting.

I was so afeard fer my missus and de young ladies, I was 'mos' out ob my mind." "Well, mass'r and ladies," said Zeb, rising and making a respectful bow, "I was at an upper window an' could see eberyting. De Linkum men was trottin' too, an' comin' in two ranks, one little way 'hind de toder.

I waited on de missus an' de young ladies, an' Zeb was kep' in de house too, 'kase he was lame and 'kase dey could trus' him wid eberyting an' dey knew it.

"You remain here, Dan, and I will go and knock at the door. It is better that we should not be seen together." Vincent accordingly went forward and knocked at the door. An old negress opened it. "We have nothing for tramps," she said. "De house am pretty well cleared out ob eberyting." She was about to shut the door when Vincent put his foot forward and prevented it closing.

"Well, and Sally tole me how, when she come to herself, she was in dis wessel. But she says she wasn't 'ceived one bit. She 'membered eberyting. And she could swear to de men as stole her, which dey was my lordship and a perty lordship he is! and de captain o' de wessel and de fust mate."

You allus lays eberyting on to me, Missis, when I'se jes as in'cent " "I wish to hear none of your palaver. You have stolen from me repeatedly; you know you have been just as hateful as you could be ever since ever since Joe went away." Mrs. Lisle had not designed this reference to Joe. Any mention of his name only made Kizzie more intractable.

"Ah, ha, Jack Shark know what you going to do. Him know eberyting," said Sam Coal. Shortly after this the sun sank amid a bank of black clouds, and darkness came down on the world of waters, the weather again looking very threatening. I was awakened by a splash of water in my face. On sitting up, though a heavy sea was running, I found that the boat was still keeping on her course.