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Dey will talk wid one anoder, and Miss Alice been hear all de ole nigger's talk many a time, and she don't want to hear it ober and ober all de time; and beside dat, young massa, sometimes when I tells bout de ole folks, she trimbles and cries. She's got a mity soft heart bout some tings, and she tells me I mus tell you eberyting."

"Oh, our faithful Neptune! how much we shall miss him! It must be that he has gone with his master; but perhaps it is all for the best." "I tinks eberyting should be ob de best for you, missy; 'pears like if my poor old Phillis could get used to de tribilations, like you do, it help to make de road easier; but I specks she neber learn how."

“Leab it to Massa Jonesaid the alarmed negro; “he know eberytingThis appeal to the knowledge of Richard was too flattering to be unheeded.

In fact, Biler outdid himself, and completely wore out the patience of the long-suffering Jericho. "You jes look heah, you Biler," he said; "you better mind, for I ain't goin' to stand dese yer goins on no longer. Bar's limits to eberyting and dese yer 'visiums has got to be 'commonized, an' not to be all gobbled up by one small boy.

"I have given you permission, go." The breakfast was a silent one. After it was over, and the door had closed upon the grim master of the house as he went back to his books, Hagar said, "Don't ye let nuffin make ye downhearted, honey! De Lord'll help ye, ef yer Uncle Dick won't. 'Tain't de might nor de money dat'll do eberyting, chile. All 'pends on whether de Lord's on yer side.

While they were thus engaged they heard the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps, and next moment Tomeo and Buttchee bounded over the bushes, glaring and panting from the rate at which they had raced up the hill to tell the wonderful news! "Eberyting bu'nt?" exclaimed Ebony, whose eyes and teeth showed so much white that his face seemed absolutely to sparkle. "Everything.

"I'll hab a quilt spread down dar on de flo', and I'll lie dar an' sleep, an' ef de chile stirs I'll wake right up and gib her eberyting she wants." "Mamma Vi, don't you want to see my room?" Lulu asked as they neared its door. "I think it is ever so pretty." "So it is," Violet said, stepping inside with her, "and I am very glad you like it.

When he could, he used to press Tom Quambo, an old free negro, into the service; and Quambo enjoyed the fun as much as Mike did. Each possessed a dog, of which they were very proud, ugly as the animals were to look at. "Den, you see, massa, if Yelp not 'ansome, he know eberyting," Quambo used to remark.

"What is it?" asked Mr. Raleigh. "Forgot to say, Massa," replied Capua, rolling his eyes fearfully, and still hesitating, and half-closing the door, and then looking back. "Well, Capua?" "Mass' Raleigh, your house done been burned up!" said Capua, at last, jerking back his head, as if afraid of losing it. "Ah? And what did you do with" "Oh, eberyting safe an' sound.

Dat seemed to go down deep, but not quite to whar de trouble stays all de time. "But, Miss Edie," continued he in a whisper, "I'se hope you'll forgive me, but I couldn't help listenin' to you last night. I neber heerd such talk afore. It seemed to broke my ole black heart all up, and made it feel like de big ribers down souf in de spring, when dey jes oberflow eberyting.