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Two or tree days after dis we take anoder prize, which was robbed ob eberyting ob value on board, and was den treated same as Les deux Amis had been. I was very glad to get off wid my life, but I berry much wish myself out of de ship again, and determined to make my 'scape as soon as I hab opportunity. "`De cappen each day ask me when I going to make de sea-pie.

All, however, remained quiet, except that they were once or twice startled by the loud beating of a drum, and the deep blasts from the fetish horn. At the end of that time there was a general exclamation of relief as Dominique stepped in from among the trees. "Well, Dominique, what have you found?" Frank exclaimed as he started to his feet. "Me found eberyting, sar. First come to village.

Does you s'pects I dar stay roun' whar Perkins am? He kill me. He done gone way to-night." "How you know dat?" "One de fiel'-hans tole me." "Chunk, ef you up ter shines en doan tole me I done wid you. Hasn't I hep you out'n in eberyting so fur? Ef I fin' out you been skeerin me so wid eny doin's I des done wid you. I des feel hit in my bones you de spook. You kyant bamboozle me.

Leland interrogatively, as he divested himself of his duster. "I'se done de wery bes' I knows, sah," she answered, dropping a courtesy and smiling all over her face. "Eberyting am done to a turn, an' I hopes you, sah, and de ladies mos' ready to eat afo' de tings get spoiled." "We won't keep your supper waiting many minutes, Aunt Kitty," said her mistress pleasantly.