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Verra weel.�-But ye see that's mine for twa year and a half ony gait. That wad only amunt to losin' her interest for twa year an' a half�-a'thegither. That winna do." "What will do, than, Mr Bruce?" "I dinna ken. I want my ain." "But ye maunna torment her, Mr Bruce. Ye ken that." "Weel! I'm open to onything rizzonable.

There are Southdowns, Hampshire Downs, Sussex, Oxfords, Shropshire Downs, and the Dorset Horns. We always like some Shropshires in our herd." "Oh, Sandy," groaned Donald with a wry smile, "I never, never can remember all these kinds." "Dinna shed tears about it, laddie. The wool will keep growing on their backs just the same.

I think it maun be that, haein' nae feelin's o' my ain, I hae ower muckle regaird to ither fowk's, an' sae I never likit to pit her awa' wi'oot doonricht provocation. But dinna ye lippen to Jean, Malcolm na, na!

'Ye dinna ken what ye are daein', my man, askin' me to come an' bide wi' you. I've mair respect for ye than ye hae for yersel'. I'm much obleeged, a' the same, but I'm no' comin'. He perceived that the highest motive prompted her, and it convinced him as nothing else could have done that, if she had erred, she had also repented sincerely. 'What will you do, then? he asked.

Only something I was thinking," she said quickly. "But I've got to go; only I hate to think of things being uprooted here." "Then dinna think aboot it. I knew ye'd be awa' afore long. It's in ye, juist as it's in the birds. But ye'll come flying back like they do." "Oh, Wullie, do you think I shall?" she pleaded, watching him as he stroked his beard and looked out across the sea.

"Dinna keep the Bailie waiting," urged the assistants. She remained doggedly silent for two or three minutes, casting around a malignant and sulky glance, that seemed to enjoy the anxious suspense with which they waited her answer.

Tell her to send Soutar directly." Mr. Soutar was not to be found, the fact being that he had gone to see Miss Horn. The marquis flew into an awful rage, and began to curse and swear frightfully. "My lord! my lord!" said Malcolm, "for God's sake, dinna gang on that gait. He canna like to hear that kin' o' speech; an' frae ane o' his ain' tu!"

"I wasna there," said the baker, "but I was standing at the door, and I saw the hearse drive up." "What did they mean, mother?" Tommy asked, but she shuddered and replied, evasively, "Did Martha Scrymgeour say anything?" "She said such a lot," he had to confess, "that I dinna mind none on it.

"I presume I have the honour of speaking to Mistress Mary Lyon, spouse and consort of William Lyon, tacksman of the Mill of Marnhoul with all its lades, weirs, and pendicles " "If you mean that William Lyon is my man, ye are on the bit so far," said my grandmother; "pass on. What else hae ye to say? I dinna suppose that ye cam' here to ask a sicht o' my marriage lines."

Didna the Provost tell the laddies the last time he gave the prizes to 'take notice of my freend Bailie MacConachie, and try to be like him? And now, when one of them has taken his advice, if ye dinna turn round on the street and half kill him, till he had to be brought home half faintin' to his father's house! Fine-like conduct for a magistrate! Ye bloodthirsty old ruffian!