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"I been comin' daown river for three days naow and I been comin' fast!" Again that measuring, level glance. "An' I ain't got no business yit," he went on. "Thet's what I aim to locate, after I've hed a chance to look around a trifle.

"Wal," he continued, "I must git this piece er plaoughin' done. I can't set daown an' luxooriate an' wait 'til we see Sabriny acomin'." With a loud "G'lang there," he aroused his placid horses, and across the fields they sped, and Mrs.

'Seems downright waste to me. . . . Naow, how in Jerusalem did Cap. Bart Edwardes strike adrift here?" "No keepin' him under," said an Eastport man behind. "He's a poet, an' he's baound to say his piece. 'Comes from daown aour way, too." He did not say that Captain B. Edwardes had striven for five consecutive years to be allowed to recite a piece of his own composition on Gloucester Memorial Day.

Her husband, being already on his feet, could not rise but he broke off short the opening sentence of his "few words" and stared and listened. Each Welfare Worker stared and listened also. "Git up, you blankety blank blank," repeated Ves Young, with cheerful enthusiasm. Mr. Mullen, from the top of the load of lumber, caroled dreamily on: "'Here's to the good old rum, Drink 'er daown!

'Riz me, Hiram, sez she; an' when I'd got her easy, she put her old arms raound my neck, an' tried to say, 'God bless you, dear , but died a doin' of it; an' I ain't ashamed tew say I boo-hooed real hearty, when I laid her daown, fer she was dreadf'l good tew me, an' I don't forgit her in a hurry."

They seems kinder slimpsy; hain't got no grit." During this talk, Elnathan had risen and gone feebly out. "Elnathan seems tew take it tew heart baout leavin the ole place. I hearn ez how Solomon Gleason's goin ter sell him aout pooty soon," Abner remarked. "I guess t'ain't so much that as 'tis the bad news he's heerd baout Reub daown tew Barrington jail," said Obadiah Weeks.

"Fer another quarter," drawled the agent with elaborate apathy, "I'd leave the office long enough to find somebody who'd fetch ye daown in a rig for fifty cents." But Amber was already out of ear-shot. Crossing the tracks, he addressed himself to the southward-stretching highway.

"Nelson Haley openin' aour school and takin' up the good work ag'in where he laid it daown, is suthin' that oughter be noted a-plenty," declared Mr. Dexter. "And I will say for 'em, that committee reinstated him before anybody heard anythin' abeout Jack Besmith havin' stole the gold coins.

"I heerd she never drove again." "Any childern?" "Buckboards full of 'em." "Men too?" "I have shed conside'ble men in my time." "By kickin'?" "Any way that come along. Fallin' back over the dash is as handy as most." "They must be turr'ble afraid o' you daown taown?" "They've sent me here to get rid o' me. I guess they spend their time talkin' over my campaigns." "I wanter know!" "Yes, sir.

"Thet's the Quain place, daown by th' ba-ay," interpolated the youth from unplumbed depths of mournful abstraction. "It is. I wired yesterday " "Yeour name's Amber, aint it?" "Yes, I " "Well, Quain didn't get yeour message till this mornin'. I sent a kid daown with it 'baout ten o'clock." "But why the but I wired yesterday afternoon!" "I knaow ye did," assented the youth wearily.