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Co'se he smell de grapes en see de vimes, an atter dahk de fus' thing he done wuz ter slip off ter de grapevimes 'dout sayin' nuffin ter nobody. Nex' mawnin' he tole some er de niggers 'bout de fine bait er scuppernon' he et de night befo'. "Wen dey tole 'im 'bout de goopher on de grapevimes, he 'uz dat tarrified dat he turn pale, en look des like he gwine ter die right in his tracks.

"I'm not going to be cheated out of my share of the wedding, no mattah what a dahk past eithah of you had. Forget it, and come and help us hunt the foah-leaf clovahs that Eugenia wants for the dream-cake boxes." "What are they?" asked Miles Bradford, as he edged out of the pantry after the others.

My sin is so dahk, Lawd, so dahk and so deep, My grief is so po', Lawd, so po' and so mean, I wisht I could weep, Lawd, I wisht I could weep, Oh, I wisht I could weep like Mary Mahgaleen! Oh, Sorroh! sweet Sorroh! come, welcome, and stay! I'd welcome thy swode howsomever so keen, If I could jes' pray, Lawd, if I could jes' pray, Oh! if I could jes' pray, like Mary Mahgaleen!

"Mistah Breckenridge" ripped a few more dandelions off their stems and went on. "W'y, when dat woman lef me when mah Hannah went away ah use tuh go aftah night to de place whah she lived, jes' to heah huh laff again. Ah'd stan' out in d' dahk, an' ah'd see huh shadow on de cu'tin, an' den ah'd heah huh laff an' laff lak she always done, an' den ah'd come home!

Co'se he smell de grapes en see de vimes, an atter dahk de fus' thing he done wuz ter slip off ter de grapevimes 'dout sayin' nuffin ter nobody. Nex' mawnin' he tole some er de niggers 'bout de fine bait er scuppernon' he et de night befo'. "W'en dey tole 'im 'bout de goopher on de grapevimes, he 'uz dat tarrified dat he turn pale, en look des like he gwine ter die right in his tracks.

"Ah's gwine tell you, boy, dis yeh crew am bad 'nough, but when dah come a ha'nt boat a-sailin' oveh yondeh jest at dahk, boy, Ah wish Ah was back home whar Ah could somehow come to shoot a rabbit what got a lef' hind-foot. Yass, sah."

"Why, eh, y' yass'm. Oh, yass'm, ef you say so, my mistress; howsomever, you know what de good book say' 'bout de Ethiopium." "Can't change yes, I know; but this would be only for an hour or two and in the dark." "It'd have to be pow'ful dahk," sighed Euonymus, and from Robelia's sunbonnet came "Unh!" Rebecca interposed: "An' still, o' co'se, we all gwine do ezac'ly what you say."

T'-morrow mawnin' come, he's outer it." Her voice rose into a minor cadence, almost a chant. "Chile, it's a dahk shadder on all de Deans dey all mahked wid dat frown on deir foreheads, an' dey all got dahk hours come to um. Marse Wes's maw she fade out an' die caze she cain' stan' no such. His grammaw, she leave his grampaw. An' so on back.

Sometimes he git mad at oner de hosses an' frail it proper. Dat high temper run in de Dean fambly, chile. Dey gits mad, an' dey flies off, an' you just got to stan' it." "But does he does he get over it quick?" The old negress shook her head. "He'll be mighty quiet come suppeh-time, not talkin' much, lookin' dahk. Walk light, an' don't say nuffin' rile him up, eve'ything all right.

You remembah I told you 'bout them. They bought that pet beah from a tramp and neahly frightened me to death at their valentine pahty. I went into a dahk room, where it was tied up, and didn't know it was theah till it stood up on its hind feet and came at me. I neahly lost my mind, I was so sca'd." "Oh, yes," cried Joyce.