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"We can't get across in time!" She leaned over, and fell into her sister's arms, while Cora, with a keen glance to either side, stiffened in her seat. There was a bare chance of safety. Despite the tense moment of anxiety, the almost certainty that the auto would crash into the train, Cora's quick eye had seen something that she hoped would enable her to avert the accident.

All listened and heard but a short distance away: "Begorrah, Teddy, it's yerself that's entitled to a wee bit of rist, as yees have been on a mighty long tramp, and hasn't diskivered anything but a country that is big enough to hide the Atlantic ocean in, wid Ireland on its bosom as a jewel. The chances are small of yees iver gitting another glimpse of heaven that is, of Miss Cora's face.

Accept my best wishes for your happiness in a union with the more fortunate man of your choice, and believe me to be now and ever, Your obedient servant, Scarcely had Cora's eyes fallen from the paper when Lady Pendragon's carriage drove up to the door.

Kimball, relying on Cora's discretion to explain matters. "I am bringing Jack home, and we'll come on the early afternoon train, Thursday. There is no great need of haste." There was no need of a physician to help Jack home, though Dr. Blake promised his services when the sufferer should have been safely quartered in his own room.

Without stopping to think, these other girls were carried away by Cora's eloquence. When Nancy turned to face them from the lower stair of the flight leading up to the West Side dormitories, she was like a sheep cornered by a pack of dogs. The shrill voice of the angry Cora carried much farther than she had intended, however.

Shelby could have felled him for taking the girl's hand Cora's mattered nothing. But what of his own hand? Again in his place, Ludlow had drifted by with no word spoken between them. He sighed with relief, and in the same breath cursed himself and the conventions which compelled such cunning. In a rational world he could have knocked him down. Once again that evening they came face to face.

"I hope, Miss Kimball, that you will soon be able to meet my sister," said Paul after a little silence, during which the car had run along. They were near the Beachwood Road, at the end of which, in a little grove of trees, was Cora's home. "Not on account of what you have done for me," he went on, "but because I am sure you and she would be good friends.

"I am sure you are perfectly welcome to our coats," insisted Belle, as she and her sister divested themselves of their long automobile garments, "and they will look " "Lovely on us," put in Walter. "Let me have the blue one, please. It is so becoming." Jack took Cora's heavy linen, Ed accepted the brown that Bess had worn, while Walter got the blue.

He could smell dynamite," and with that they turned, took a new path toward the shore, and were soon sailing off in their boat. For a few moments neither of the three, who were standing there watching, spoke. Then Cora's face brightened. "They are ours, Laurel's," she said, "and we have a right to take them." "But the law is queer on such points," Jack argued.

After fretting a little over his wasted afternoon, he forgot all about her, and set to work with other models. Then he left Paris for the summer. A few hours after his return, early in the fall, there came a knock at his door. He had been admiring Cora's portrait, which to his fresh eye looked exceptionally good.