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"Will you come outside and speak to me? There are so many people " "Eh yes, mem: I'm sure ye fin' the room closs. Eh yes, mem, the Wisharts are a' in the lock-up." They were standing outside in the passage, and Mrs. Kennedy held the door closed by the latch, which she kept firmly grasped in her hand.

And now that I've told you this, tell me in return whether there is any other place beside this where we can cross?" "No, mastel," said Ling, "no othel place. This only place anywhele. And no can closs hele, mastel can see fol himselluf." "Well," said Frobisher determinedly, "if this is the only place, this is where we cross.

It is the firm of Closs & Brown. The younger member is an active, shrewd, generous man, full of resources, and capable of wonderful combinations. The other superintends the in-door business, and makes himself very useful, in a quiet sort of way, in keeping things straight no unimportant position in a business house, let me assure you. As for Caroline Mrs.

Ah! how keenly Rachael Closs felt all this as she sat there alone in her bower room, looking wistfully out upon those two lovers, both so dear to her that her very soul yearned with sympathy for the innocent love she had never known, and never could know upon earth!

She struggled, lifted up her arms, drew his lips close to hers, and over them floated the last icy breath that Rachael Closs ever drew. Then the young girl, who had loved this woman better than anything on earth, sank to the floor, and took that pale head in her lap, moaning over it piteously. "My poor mamma! my darling mother! Speak to me! Open your eyes! It is Clara your own, own child!

"You are wise," said Closs, whose face had lost all its cheerfulness; "there is no good in even thinking of a dead past, and, as you say, that poor old woman has her punishment. I am glad you have said nothing of these things to my sister, or Lady Clara." "Why should I?" said Margaret, with shrewd good sense: "what good would it do? In fact, what do I know?

If you and I meet to bandy insults, it is because the past has left no mutual respect between us; but I have this advantage over you; the sins which have drawn on me even your contempt have been long since repented of, while yours, compared to which mine fade into innocence, seem but to have hardened into pride." Lord Hope smiled. "Of what crime does Mr. Hepworth Closs charge me?"

"The self-same right that you have to drive me from your daughter. You did not heed my wishes, why expect me to prove more delicate?" "Because I can enforce what I wish, and you could not." "How?" "By asking Mr. Hepworth Closs to leave Oakhurst at once, and by providing against all chance of his coming here again."

The very thought of that haughty old peeress so humiliated was wonderfully pleasant to the wounded pride of Rachael Closs. But far beyond this was the yearning, almost passionate fondness she felt for her brother and the beautiful girl who had been to her at once a Nemesis and an infatuation. This was what Lady Hope had hinted at when Hepworth first came.

Don't I remember when I was a little girl?" Rachael sighed heavily. "That was a long time ago, Clara, and childish wants are easily satisfied." Clara threw both arms around her stepmother's neck and kissed her. "Never mind if he is a little stubborn now and then; you can manage him, yet, mamma. Only, don't let Mr. Closs do that horrid thing.