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At any rate Ford did not hesitate. It is not good to let a horse run loose upon the range with a saddle cinched upon its back, as every one knows.

They remembered well the bitter winter that followed, when the spectre of famine haunted their cabins, and when for endless periods they cinched their belts, and cursed and went hungry to sleep, accepting, day by day, the rations doled out to them by the grim, gray man at the log store.

"The only thing that feels natural is my hand. They cinched me so tight I can't eat a thing, and my shoes hurt." She laughed as she said this, for her use of the vernacular was conscious. "I'm a fraud. Your father will spot my brand first shot. Look at my face red as a saddle!" "Don't let that trouble you. This is the time of year when tan is fashionable. Don't you be afraid of the governor.

I will say I should have been sorely disappointed if you had not shown that you favored the idea. It seems to me to be just what we want." "Oh that part. But it seems to me that old Brown is sure locoed to give us a chance at the outfit. He's gone plumb silly. His friends oughta appoint a guardian over him only I hope they won't get action till this deal is cinched tight."

Kelly stared at her meditatively a minute, and said: "Well, I'll be damned!" Keith looked at her also, but he did not say anything. The way he slapped his saddle back upon Redcloud and cinched it, and saddled Rex, was a pretty exhibition of precision and speed, learned in roundup camps. Kelly watched him grimly. "I knowed you wasn't as swift as yuh knew how 't be, a while back," he commented.

It sorter helps me ter make a good, decent clean-up ov this whole measly outfit. I reckon I'll stow yer away, along with them others. Mosey up them steps there, an' don't take no chances lookin' back." "I'll get you for this, Brennan." "Not if the Circuit Court ain't gone out o' business, you won't. I've got yer cinched an' hog tied here now; get in thar."

Hour after hour the sun moved westward and the fish moved eastward, or disappeared altogether, until at last when the fisherman cinched his mule, sunset was nearer than he thought. Darkness caught him before he could catch his trail. Not caring to tumble into some fifty-foot hole, he "allowed" he was lost, and turned back.

I cried, throwing that awful paper on the desk before him. "Now cinch 'em, Fred Obermuller, as they cinched you. It'll be the holiest blackmail that ever oh, and will you pay for the hansom?" I don't remember much about the first part of the lunch. I was so hungry I wanted to eat everything in sight, and so happy that I couldn't eat a thing. But Mr.

Also, when they faced it they rode with bodies aslant over their saddle-horns and hats pulled low over their streaming eyes, and with coats fastened jealously close. If there were buttons enough, well and good; if not, a strap cinched tightly about the middle was considered pretty lucky and not to be despised.

I says to myself: 'He don't look like a feller to run a bluff, and I says: 'Young Morganstein ain't the sort to pick up any second-hand outfit, but I thought all along you was his man." "I see." The humor played softly in Tisdale's face. "I see. But you thought wrong." Lighter's lids narrowed again skeptically. "Those letters you showed to identify yourself cinched it.