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We ought to hear from Washington before Saturday and know that our jobs are cinched. This uncertainty is fierce for me. You know I have a wife and kid, and it means a lot. When you give Cortlandt that watch you'll have to present him with a loving-cup from the rest of us. I think it's coming to him, don't you?" "I I'd rather you presented it." "Not much!

When the brute came to the arena's end, and saw before him the shouting multitude, it suddenly swerved to come back, and Ted realized that something had happened to the saddle. It was slipping, and yet he was sure he had cinched it tight. Back they came tearing again, and passed Stella and Bud like a rocket. "Great guns!" cried Bud, "his saddle's loose. He's a goner now, shore."

Hullo," he exclaimed, as his eyes fell on the younger lads, "those kids are after the prize, too. Why, what would they do with fifty dollars if they had it? However, there's not much chance of your winning anything," he added, coming up close to the boys, with a sneer on his face. "I think that I've got it cinched." "I didn't know that you knew anything about aeroplanes," responded Paul quietly.

I know Colonel Desha, and I learned a good deal in a quiet way when I was there. I learned from Major Calvert that his half-sister's your mother's name was Loring. That cinched it for me. But I said nothing. They were in an awful stew over your absence, but I never let on, at first, that I had you bunked.

"Now, there is nothing cinched yet, understand," the Acting Superintendent cautioned him. "We're all on probation, but if we make good, I think we'll stick." "I'll do my best to fill your shoes." "And I have the inside track on Blakeley, in spite of Colonel Jolson, so I'm not alarmed. The break came sooner than I expected, and now that we chaps are in control it's the chance of our lifetimes."

They've got me cinched. But with you it's different. You haven't fooled away your chance yet. There's nothing to this sort of life. The bunch up here is no good. Soapy don't mean right by you, or by any young fellow he trails with." "I'll not listen to anything against Soapy. He took me in when my own father turned against me." "To get back at your father for sending him up the road."

Short, awkward-appearing sleds creaked and sang along the icy, hard-packed road of snow, to approach the piles of logs snaked out of the timber, to be loaded high beyond all seeming regard for gravitation or consideration for the broad-backed, patient horses, to be secured at one end by heavy chains leading to a patent binder which cinched them to the sled, and started down the precipitous road toward the mill.

But her tone was as earnest as his. "The speech of a great engineer should be as correct as his figures." "That's a go!" agreed Blake. "I'll hire a grammar expert just as soon as I work out this dam idea um you know what I mean this idea about the dam. Don't know how long that will take. But I'm pretty sure I've got the thing cinched else I wouldn't have had the nerve to come here this morning.

It's mere surmise. Some one's tracks were found by you. How do you know they were father's?" "I've got that cinched too. I took his boots and measured them." "Then where's the gold, if he took it? It must be somewhere. Where is it?" "Now I'm going up to the head of the class, ma'am. The gold why, that's a dead easy one. Near as I can make out, I'm sitting on it right now."

This here move restores all parties to a mutual understanding, and the peer he bathes in the corned-beef barrel regular durin’ his stayyou see the habit had cinched him."