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Dick winced at his chum's rather slighting allusion to an Army career, but on this one point of preference in the way of the service, the two chums were willing to disagree. Darrin wouldn't have gone to West Point if he could. Dick admitted the greatness of the American Navy, but all his heart was set on the Army.

And it is just Chum's little runs over the beds which call aloud for firmness which, in fact, have inspired my birthday present to him. But there is this difficulty to overcome first. In that bed he could wander at will, burying bones and biscuits, hunting birds. This may have been so, but it is a pity that nobody but Chum knows definitely which is the bed.

Never mind; I believe it'll all come out right yet. Perhaps some servant may have taken them?" said Paul, wishing to buoy up his chum's spirits. "We only have one, and she's been with us ever since I was born. No use thinking Maggie would touch a single thing," declared Jack, quickly, with a shake of his head. Paul sauntered about the room for a few minutes.

And then at the gesture and the snarled command of "Go get them!" some closed door in Chum's mind had swung wide, and, acting on an instinct he himself did not understand, he had hurled himself into the gay task of rounding up the flock. So, for a thousand generations on the Scottish hills, had Chum's ancestors earned their right to live.

"This is all I can find about dogs," explained the boy, passing the linen-jacketed little volume across the counter to Link. "First story in it is an essay on 'Our Friend, the Dog, the index says. Want it?" That evening, by his kitchen lamp, Ferris read laboriously the Belgian philosopher's dog essay. He read it aloud as he had taken to thinking aloud for Chum's benefit.

I'm afraid, Tom, that something must have happened to him." "I think so too, Ned. Nothing serious, though," Tom added, quickly, as he saw the look of alarm on his chum's face. "I think Mr. Damon at first went away of his own accord." "Of his own accord?" "Yes. I think Peters induced him to go with him, on the pretense that he could recover his fortune. After getting Mr.

"I'm hanged if you look anxious!" muttered Greg, studying his chum's face keenly. "I fancy I've got to display a good deal of skill in masking my feelings," smiled Dick wearily. "Oh, I don't know," returned Cadet Holmes hopefully. "It may not turn out to be so bad." "Then a permanent silence hasn't been imposed?" "Not yet," replied Greg.

"We've been on no pleasure trip," interrupted Alf, with a sad smile. "It has been anything but pleasure to Arnold and me." Thereupon Holden immediately launched into the story of his adventure and his chum's a tale that was listened to with silent surprise both by Mackintosh and the half-breed, who had come out from the tent and stood attentively apart.

"I didn't know you knew him, Tom," said the professor. "Oh, yes, I have met him, once," and there was something in Tom's manner, though he tried to speak indifferently, that made Ned believe there was more behind his chum's sudden change of determination than had yet appeared.

The boys passed along until they came to the second trail sign and then stopped. Tommy pointed down to it with a hand which was not quite steady and looked up into his chum's face with frightened eyes. "That's been moved!" he said. "How do you know it's been moved?" "Because you had the side stone on the other edge." "I don't think I did!" argued Sandy.