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But I shall think it out, if nobody else can. Mercy shall graduate with flying colors from Briarwood Hall, whether I do myself, or not!" "Never mind," said Helen, laughing at her chum's emphasis. "At least the valedictorian will hail from this dear old quartette room." "Yes," agreed Ruth, looking around the loved chamber with a tender smile. "What will we do when we see it no longer, Helen?"

"That's what I think," returned Blake, and though Joe and Charlie were eager for action, they admitted that their chum's plan was best. "We'll have to make some preparations," Blake went on; "though I don't know that we need say anything to Captain Black about what we are going to do." "He might stop us," said Charlie. "Oh, no, he wouldn't do that," Joe assured their assistant.

Why, Tom, you make the problem as plain as plain can be." "In theory," supplemented Ned Newton, although he meant to suggest no doubt of his chum's ability to solve almost any problem. "You've hit it," said Tom promptly. "I only have a theory so far regarding such a locomotive. But to the inventor the theory always must come first. You understand that, Ned?"

I only let you wear it first trying to be nice to you!" Then Missy, who had been genuinely moved by Tess's decision that the first wearing of the costume should make up for her chum's week of punishment, pulled herself together. "Of course I want to wear it," she declared. "I think it's just fine of you to let me wear it first."

As soon as the ranks were broken Dalzell seized his chum's hand, and began wringing it strenuously. "David, little giant," murmured Dan ecstatically, "we are no longer fourth class men. From the instant that the tail-ender of the old first class received his diploma we became transformed into third class men." "Yes," smiled Dave. "We're youngsters. That's going some."

Inside the pocket were the automatic and several slivers of lead, fragments of the shattered missile. "Jack," Harry said with a shiver, as he grasped his chum's hand, "that was a mighty close shave. I'm glad it terminated so well." The silent grasp that Jack returned spoke louder than words of the bond of friendship that existed between the boys.

But see here, Harry, I don't want to pull your money into this scheme if you feel that you'd rather hold on to what you have." "If you're going to stay in, Tom, then so am I. I'm not the kind of fellow to go back on a chum's investment." "But if we lose all we've saved then you'll feel " "Don't argue any more, Tom," begged Hazelton. "I'm going to be game.

A wistful whine from Chum interrupted Link's volley of swearing. The dog had noted his master's angry excitement and was seeking to offer sympathy or help. But the reminder of Chum's presence did not check Link's wrath at the unconscious cause of the stampede. He loosed his hold on the collar, resolving to take out his rage in an unmerciful beating should the dog seek to chase the fleeing sheep.

"Yes, and put in jail, but they managed to get out, and now they're free to make trouble for us again." "Are you sure they're out of jail?" asked Ned, and Tom noted that his chum's face wore an odd look. "Sure? Of course I am. But why do you ask?" Ned did not answer for a moment. He glanced at Tom's father, and the young inventor understood. Mr.

"How much longer are you going to stay?" called Ned in his chum's ear called loudly, not to be heard above the noise of the airship, but above the racket of the gale. "Oh, I guess we may as well start back," spoke Tom, after a look at the clock on the wall. "We can just about make our camp by daylight, and they won't see us." "It won't be light very early," observed Mr.