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She accepted the phenomenon with acute unwillingness and very lingeringly. Bangs was not at home, to divert his chum's mind with his robust conversation. As he dressed for his call on Doris, the sharp contrasts of life struck Laurie with the peculiar force with which they hit the young and the inexperienced. But were they really contrasts?

For, despite his former apparent indifference to the trick Gage had played on them, Tom Reade would have staked his professional reputation on the richness of the ridge claim. "It's gold, Harry -gold!" he exclaimed, hoarsely, in his chum's ear. "It's gold enough to last us through life if we work it hard from the start."

They don't see the motion of the waves then." "Guess that's it," agreed Tom with a wink at Ned. "Much obliged. Glad we're not seasick," and he linked his arm in that of his chum's and marched him off. "Why the wink?" asked Ned, when they were out of earshot of the steward. "That was to tip you off to say nothing more. I've got a plan I'm going to work." "What is it?"

It was the death-howl of the primitive wolf; a sound that sent an involuntary shiver through the two humans who listened aghast to their chum's awesome mourning for his lost mate. The Master made as though to say something, in comfort or in correction. The Mistress, wiser, motioned to him not to speak. In a few seconds, Lad rose wearily to his feet; the spasm of primal grief having spent itself.

"A girl!" exclaimed Helen. "Do you suppose he has got Wonota?" "Wonota with a sunbonnet on?" cried her chum. "I bet he's running away with Wonota!" cried Helen, and started to speed up after the other car. Ruth laid a quick hand on her chum's arm. "Wait! Stop!" she cried. "See what a curiously acting thing that is he has got beside him? Is It can't be a girl, Helen!"

Madge breathed in her chum's ear. "I wonder if it will go away again, or if she will remember more about herself when she is stronger?" "I believe her memory has returned," Phil answered softly. "It is a miracle. We must be very careful. Any excitement or surprise might kill her. I wish the doctor were here." Some one stole across the room without a sound. The girls knew it must be Mrs. Curtis.

"Oh, don't talk about it!" cried Helen, who had forgotten by this time what she had started to question Ruth about. "Come on! We'll be late for supper." When her chum's back was turned, Ruth slipped out of her table drawer the very packet of papers Helen had spoken about. The sheets had been typewritten and were now sealed in a manila envelope, which was addressed and stamped.

Well," he went on harshly, turning to the weeping Dorcas, "the question has answered itself, you see. No need now to tell me to get rid of him. He's saved me the bother. Like he was always saving me bother. That being Chum's way." Something in his throat impeded his fierce speech. And he bent over the dog again, his rough hands smoothing the pitifully still body with loving tenderness.

For a ratey fourth classman makes the foolish blunder of considering himself as good as an upper classman. "Of course," suggested Dan, making haste to smooth over any astonishment that his own and his chum's remarks might have caused, "we don't propose to instruct the members of the third class in the way they shall perform their duties toward the members of the fourth.

While Ridge, sharing his chum's cup and plate, was striving between mouthfuls of this thoroughly enjoyable supper to answer a few of the innumerable questions showered upon him, he suddenly became aware of an officer standing on the edge of the fire-light and regarding him with interest.