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Same as me.... Overland Red's kid pal, eh? Huh! I knowed Jack Summers, Red Jack Summers, down in Sonora in '83. Mexico was some open country then. Jack was a white pardner, too. Went to the bad, account of that Chola girl that he was courtin' goin' wrong.... Funny how the boss come to pick up that kid. Thinks there's somethin' in him. O' course they is. But what? Eh, Sarko, what?

But I need 'em. Heard you tell Bud you paid ten dollars for 'em 'way back fifteen years. Guess they's a dollar's worth worn off of 'em by now." "Well, you sure do some close figurin'. I sure paid ten for 'em. Got 'em from a Chola puncher what was hard up. Mebby you ain't figurin' that they's about twenty bucks' worth of hand-worked silver conchas on 'em which ain't wore off any."

"Everywhere in the dominions of Devanampiya Piadasi, and likewise in the neighboring realms, such as those of the Chola, Pandya, Satiyaputra and Keralaputra, in Ceylon, in the dominions of the Greek king Antiochus, and in those of the other kings subordinate to that Antiochus everywhere, on behalf of His Majesty, have two kinds of hospitals been founded: hospitals for men, and hospitals for beasts.

If you finish kneading early enough, you get back to bed while the dough is rising. At each house they are given small, fresh-baked chola, bun, or beigel. No one refuses to give this. Later on, two respectable men or women go from house to house collecting in a large bag whatever anyone gives them, such as cholas, meat, cereals, oil, wine, or money.

From the village the view was superb, embracing the tropical gulley below, with the flat of Bhomsong deep down in the gorge, its bright rice-fields gleaming like emeralds amid the dark vegetation that surrounded it; the Teesta winding to the southward, the pine-clad rocky top of Mainom, 10,613 feet high, to the south-west, the cone of Mount Ararat far to the south, to the north black mountains tipped with snow, and to the east the magnificent snowy range of Chola, girdling the valley of the Ryott with a diadem of frosted silver.

Wingle cut the rope and Sundown stood up. "They swiped me gun," he asserted. "Here's one I took off a herder," said Wingle. "if things get to boilin' over why, jest nacherally wilt the legs from under anything that looks like a Chola. Jack's got the cards, all right but I don't jest like the look of things. Loring's in the corner and he's got his back up."

Again the Mexican shook his head. "He sure don't," said Pete, turning to Brevoort "or he'd 'a' jest nacherally plugged me. If a Chola don't know what whiskey or dam' fool means, he don't know American." Meanwhile the two guards had turned to the natural expedient of gambling for Pete's belt and gun. The elaborately carved holster had taken their fancy.

Journey to the Rajah's residence at Tumloong Ryott valley Rajah's house Tupgain Lama Lagong nunnery Phadong Goompa Phenzong ditto Lepcha Sepoys Proceedings at Tumloong Refused admittance to Rajah Women's dresses Meepo's and Tchebu Lama's families Chapel Leave for Chola pass Ryott river Rungpo, view from Deputation of Kajees, etc.

Pete knew this only too well. He suggested the idea to Andy, who concurred with enthusiasm. "Cholas is no good anyhow," blurted Andy. "You ain't robbin' nobody when you buy a Chola outfit. Let's go!" Montoya, who sat by the fire, coughed. "'Course, I was meanin' some Cholas," said Andy. The old herder smiled to himself. The boys amused him. He had been young once and very poor.

First you want to move round so you kin swing your arm. When I call you a doggone bald-face short-horn, jest let your Chola have the eggs plumb in his eye. If they bust like I figure, we got a chanct to jump 'em but we got to move quick. They's a old single-tree layin' right clost to your elbow, kind of half under the hay. Mebby it'll come handy. I figure to kick my friend in the face when I jump.