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Updated: August 16, 2024

Brown said she'd be glad to trade Henry Ward Beecher for little Jane, 'n' I strongly advised her to do it, f'r to my mind a chewin' child 's more to be counted on than a eatin' sleep-walker, but we was evidently all o' the same way o' thinkin, f'r Gran'ma Mullins shook her head 'n' wouldn't change. "I see Felicia Hemans down buyin' suthin' with Sam along with a basket to carry it home in.

A Jap'nese sojer can march three hundhred miles a day an' subsist on a small piece iv chewin' gum. Their ar-rmy have arrived at such a perfection at th' diffycult manoover known as th' goose step that they have made this awful insthrument iv carnage th' terror iv th' armies iv Europe. As cav'lrymen they ar-re unexcelled.

David stared but shook his head. "I'm not going to be a performer," he said, with a wry smile at the thought of "fishworm oil." "Well, that bein' the case, have you got any chewin' about yer clothes?" "Chewing?" murmured David. "Fine cut er plug, I don't care." "I don't chew tobacco," said David stiffly. "Oh," said the man in amaze. "A reg'lar little Robert Reed, eh? Well, hop inside there.

Some hosses don't care what you say to 'em goes in one ear and out the other but Pharaoh, he's wise. He knows that ain't love talk. He's chewin' it over in his mind right now. By the look in his eye, he's askin' himself will he bite your ear off or only kick you into the middle of next week. Cussin' a hoss like that won't make him win races where he never had a chance nohow."

It was all very proper and kind to make the old woman's income hold out as long as possible, but Aunt Matilda did not like this systematic and economical way of living. It was too late in life for her, she said, "to do more measurin' at a meal than chewin';" and so she became discouraged, and managed, one fine morning, to hobble up to see Mrs. Loudon about it.

"Keep that hand up!" cried Brown threateningly. "Don't be mean about it, old man. Can't you see that my arm is not at all dangerous?" "I've got to search you." "Search me? Well, I guess not. Where is your authority?" "I'm a deputy marshal from Dexter." "Have you been sworn in, sir?" "Aw, that's all right now. No more rag chewin' out of you. That'll do YOU! Keep your hands up!"

Dud countered with one of Blister's own homely apothegms. "What's the use of chewin' tobacco if you spit out the juice? Go through, I say. There's a cottonwood back of the kitchen." "You're fixin' for to hang me?" Houck asked, his throat and palate gone suddenly dry. "You done guessed it first crack," Tom nodded. "Not yet, boys," protested Haines in his whispering falsetto.

Course, if the bridge concern didn't send word I'd got to that point, when in drifts my old A. D. T. runnin' mate, Hunch Leary, draggin' his feet behind him and chewin' gum industrious. Now Hunch don't look like a tempter. He's plain homely, that's all. But comin' just as he did, with Piddie over there glarin' at me suspicious well, I just had to do it. "Sure I got blanks on me?" says Hunch.

"Don't think it," replied the teamster laconically. He glanced towards the open door and assumed a listening attitude. "Th' Sarjint an' him's out there now chewin' th' rag 'bout it hark to 'em!" Ceasing their cleaning operations for a space, the two constables listened intently to the raised voices without.

I wish I had one to stuff." "Tried to get him for you, sonny, spite of the Rules. Could 'a' done it, too, with a gun. Had a shy at him with an arrow an' I hain't been bird or arrow since. 'Twas my best arrow, too old Sure-Death." "Will ye give me the arrow if I kin find it?" said Guy. "Now you bet I won't. What good'd that be to me?" "Will you give me your chewin' gum?" "No."

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