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carolled the leading cowboy; and the bunch, not to seem faint-hearted, chimed in again: "Reladin to reladin, and reladin to relate!" Now they were verging toward the sensational part of the ballad, the place where a real gentleman would quit, but Lightfoot only tossed his head defiantly. "O-Oh " he began, and then he stopped with his mouth open.

Salemina moaned at the delightful prospect opening before us, while I went to the piano and carolled impersonally "Oh, wherefore did I cross the Forth, And leave my love behind me? Why did I venture to the north With one that did not mind me? I'm sure I've seen a better limb And twenty better faces; But still my mind it runs on him When I am at the races!"

The morning sunlight leaped in like a friend, and a bird in a tree carolled out gladly. Something in Billy's heart burst into a tear. A tear! Bah! He brushed it away with his grimy hand and went over to the bed, rolling the inert figure toward him till the face was in plain view.

But what is set you to do you must do well, and you mustn't think of going into any of the rooms which are beyond that in which you slept, for if you do, I'll take your life. 'Sure enough, it is an easy master I have got', said the Prince to himself, as he walked up and down the room, and carolled and sang, for he thought there was plenty of time to clean out the stable.

He carolled a gay chanson. His retinue followed at a distance. Francesco Melzi saluted and drew rein. He spoke a word in the monarch's ear. The two men stood with uncovered heads. They looked toward the western windows. The gay cavalcade halted in the glow of light. A hush fell on their chatter. The windows flamed in the crimson flood.

And, for the rest, you may count upon my absolute discretion. 'She is the darling of my heart And she lives in our valley," he carolled softly. "E del mio cuore la carina, E dimor' nella nostra vallettina," he obligingly translated. "But for all the good I get of her, she might as well live on the top of the Cornobastone," he added dismally.

Lydia was dressing in her room, and the sound of her fresh, young voice, as she carolled out of sheer love of life, came to the girl before she turned into the room. One glance at the bed was sufficient. It was still wet, and the empty peroxide bottle told its own story. Jean glanced at it thoughtfully as she crossed into the dressing-room. "Whatever happened last night, Lydia?"

I am of a very English temper to-day; I would play the part of a true-hearted Englishman to the life, and, therefore, my tipple is true-hearted English ale." Master Vallance motioned to his guest to enter the house, but Halfman denied him. "Out in the open," he carolled. "Out in the open, friend."

So surprised was the Lilac Lady at this unexpected little turn, that for an instant her eyes grew misty with unshed tears; then she smiled happily, and obeying a sudden impulse, she lifted her voice and carolled, "Come again, my little friends, You have brought me joy today; In my heart you've left a hymn That shall linger, live alway."

The fat monk with the jug, from the monastery, for some reason had none handed to him at all, though up till then he had had his glass every day. "Semyon Yakovlevitch, do say something to me. I've been longing to make your acquaintance for ever so long," carolled the gorgeously dressed lady from our carriage, screwing up her eyes and smiling.