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Le veggio in fronte amor come in suo seggio Sul crin, negli occhi su le labra amore Sol d'intorno al suo cuore amor non veggio. I have been twice to her house since my first admission there. I love to listen to that soft and enchanting voice, and to escape from the gloom of my own reflections to the brightness, yet simplicity, of hers.

Le veggio in fronte amor come in suo seggio Sul crin, negli occhi su le labra amore Sol d'intorno al suo cuore amor non veggio. I have been twice to her house since my first admission there. I love to listen to that soft and enchanting voice, and to escape from the gloom of my own reflections to the brightness, yet simplicity, of hers.

When we found ourselves in the forest, and I was about to inquire of him the best road to the nearest town, he suddenly fell upon one knee before me, raised a hand aloft, and began to curse and to swear in the most horrible manner. I could not imagine what he wanted; I could hear frequent repetitions of "Iddio" and "cuore" and "amore" and "furore!"

Che cuore deve avere! says she: What a heart he must have! Io non mene fido sicuro: I shall take care not to trust him sure.

And, for the rest, you may count upon my absolute discretion. 'She is the darling of my heart And she lives in our valley," he carolled softly. "E del mio cuore la carina, E dimor' nella nostra vallettina," he obligingly translated. "But for all the good I get of her, she might as well live on the top of the Cornobastone," he added dismally.

"May I ask what you intend to do with me?" asked Westerfelt, indifferently. The leader laughed. "Put some turkey red calico stripes on that broad back o' yorn, an' rub in some salt and pepper to cuore it up. We are a-gwine to l'arn you that new settlers cayn't run this community an' coolly turn the bluecoats agin us mount'in folks." Westerfelt looked down on the masks upturned to him.

Gesù, Giuseppe, Maria, Vi dono il cuore e l' anima mia. Gesù, Giuseppe, Maria, Assisteleci nell' ultima agonia, etc. They afterwards wait on them at table, and accompany them to their beds, reciting other devout prayers. In another part of that establishment, princesses and other ladies practise the same offices of charity towards the female pilgrims.

I was introduced and, amid the usual compliments, we took our seats and glided past the Sacro Cuore, the Due Sorelle, the Divina Provvidenza, the Maria Concetta, the Stella Maris, the La Pace, the Indipendente, the Nuova Bambina and many more.

Or, to quote her own Italian phrase which I have here translated, "colla faccia d'agnello, il cuore dun lupo, a la dritura della volpe." In the course of these pages the cause of this strong feeling against Madame de Genlis will be explained. To dwell on it now would only turn me aside from my narrative. I wish it may not be the foreboding of some great evil!"

'Cuore di querco, cried they, 'bravo Inglese! It was quite a joyous riot. I fancied myself to be a recruiting sea officer. I fancied all my chorus of Corsicans aboard the British fleet. How admirable is the style of all this, equal quite to Goldsmith's best and lightest touch!

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