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The Greek-word, prophylakê signifies the arrangements of outposts. Agonia is the hottest moment of conflict, and krisis the decisive day of battle, as we see in Polybius, liii., c. 89. Medicine was from the earliest times confounded with magic, which is only the primitive form of the conception of nature.

But, above and beyond all, think how strange it is that the chief Agonia of humanity, and the chief giving of strength from heaven for its fulfilment, should have been under its night shadow in Palestine. Thirdly, Athena is the air in its power over the sea. On the earliest Panathenaic vase known the "Burgon" vase in the British museum Athena has a dolphin on her shield.

He said that he is twenty-nine years of age, and broken in body and mind; that when finally dismissed by the court, he shall not return home to Chili, but betake himself to the monastery on Mount Agonia without; and signed with his honor, and crossed himself, and, for the time, departed as he came, in his litter, with the monk Infelez, to the Hospital de Sacerdotes.

And as the aeons recede, as the intensity of the idea of the Divine within man increases, so does this conflict, this agonia increase. It is in the heart of the tempest that the deepest peace dwells. The power, the place of conflict, thus great in Art, is in the region of emotional, of intellectual and of moral life, admittedly supreme.

Bartholomew's church, in whose vaults slept then, as now, the recovered bones of Aranda: and across the Rimac bridge looked towards the monastery, on Mount Agonia without; where, three months after being dismissed by the court, Benito Cereno, borne on the bier, did, indeed, follow his leader.

The 9th, 11th, and 13th were the days set apart for the Lemuria, the aversion of the hostile spirits of the dead, of which we have already spoken, and a similarly gloomy character probably attached to the Agonia of Vediovis on the 21st.

Gesù, Giuseppe, Maria, Vi dono il cuore e l' anima mia. Gesù, Giuseppe, Maria, Assisteleci nell' ultima agonia, etc. They afterwards wait on them at table, and accompany them to their beds, reciting other devout prayers. In another part of that establishment, princesses and other ladies practise the same offices of charity towards the female pilgrims.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué sabes ? BRUNO. Porque nunca se despierta antes de las nueve, y porque.... DON EDUARDO. Quizá valga más entonces que yo vuelva un poco más tarde. DOÑA MATILDE. No, no; ¿a qué prolongar nuestra agonía? Anda, Brunito, anda, si es que mi felicidad te interesa.

Doubt, contrition of soul, and the other modes of spiritual agonia, are not these equivalent with the life, not death, of the soul? And those moments of serenest peace, when the desire of the heart is one with the desire of the world-soul, are not these attained by conflict?