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Updated: August 26, 2024

Listen to this, dear men. Vincent carolled with flourishes: Oh, cruel lamps of London, If tears your light could drown, Your victims' eyes would weep them, Oh, lights of London Town! 'Then they weep. 'You see? Pirolo waved his hands at us. 'The old world always weeped when it saw crowds together. It did not know why, but it weeped.

She had seen Harriett vividly, and had longed to crush her in her arms and kiss her little round cheeks and the snub of her nose. Then she wanted her to be gone. Presently Harriett took up a brooch and skated down the room, "Ta-ra-ra-la-eee-tee!" she carolled, "don't be long," and disappeared. "I'm pretty," murmured Miriam, planting herself in front of the dressing-table.

Again their fresh young voices, gay with the musical hilarity of happiness, carolled the Mayer's song: "We have been rambling all this night, And almost all this day; And now returning back again, We bring you in the May! A branch of May we have brought you, And at your door it stands, 'Tis but a sprout, But 'tis budded out, By the work of our Lord's hands.

Suddenly there carolled forth the song of a human voice, a wild, irregular, half-savage melody, foreign, uncomprehended words, air and words not new to me. I recognized the voice and chant of Margrave. I started, and uttered an angry exclamation. "Hush!" whispered Lilian, and I felt her frame shiver within my encircling arm. "Hush! listen! Yes; I have heard that voice before last night "

Diogenes pounded along merrily, the wheels creaked and rattled cheerily, a soaring lark carolled joyously somewhere in the sunny air above us; but Diana drove in sullen silence, her face averted pertinaciously, wherefore I scowled before me and kept silence also; thus Diogenes, wheels and lark had it all to themselves.

Austin immediately pricked up his ears, for he had had no idea that Lubin was a vocalist. Away he carolled blithely enough, in a rough but not unmusical voice, and Austin was just able to catch some of the words of the quaint old west-country ballad that he was singing.

So, with the gang at their very doors, waiting to snatch away their husbands, their fathers and their sons, they carolled "Rule Britannia" and congratulated themselves on being a free people. The process of correcting the defective vision of the nation was as gradual as the acquisition of the sea-power the nation had set as its goal, and as painful. In both processes the gang participated largely.

Then carolled Mulvaney, clear as a lark, dancing the baby on his arm 'If any young man should marry you, Say nothin' about the joke; That iver ye slep' in a sinthry-box, Wrapped up in a soldier's cloak. 'Though, on my sowl, Nonie, he said gravely, 'there was not much cloak about you. Niver mind, you won't dhress like this ten years to come. Kiss your friends an' run along to your mother.

The introduction, a bold, exhorting strain, in grandiose style, full of large intervals, was given with a glorious fervor, and no lark ever carolled more blithely or more at ease than her voice as it soared to F in alt!

"Yes, rather, may dear; but you are not reading as well as usual;" and she wasn't, for in truth she was casting about in her mind for a good opening for her confession to her uncle. "Suppose you sing me a song, may dear!" And she tried "By Berwen's banks my love hath strayed For many a day in sun and shade, And as she carolled loud and clear The little birds flew down to hear."

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