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Updated: August 15, 2024

So the principal noblemen and gentlemen concerned thought it prudent to hurry the young woman into the house and bar the door; and there she was very soon stripped of veil and blonde false wig with long curls, the whole framing of her artificial resemblance to Countess Fanny, and she proved to be a good-looking foreign maid, a dark one, powdered, trembling very much, but not so frightened upon hearing that her penalty for the share she had taken in the horrid imposture practised upon them was to receive and return a salute from each of the gentlemen in rotation; which the hussy did with proper submission; and Jack Potts remarked, that 'it was an honest buss, but dear at ten thousand!

Here, scarce allowing himself patient till the drawer brought in the wine called for, he fell directly on board me: when, untucking my handkerchief, and giving me a snatching buss, he laid my breasts bare at once, which he handled with that keenness of gust that abridges a ceremonial evermore tiresome than pleasing on such pressing occasions; and now, hurrying towards the main point, we found no conveniency to our purpose, two or three disabled chairs, and a rickety table, composing the whole furniture of the room.

Hugh Stanbury, I think," said Bozzle, making another bow to the young barrister. "That's my name," said Stanbury. "Exactly so, Mr. S. The identity is one as I could prove on oath in any court in England. You was on the railway platform at Exeter on Saturday when we was waiting for the 12 express 'buss; wasn't you now, Mr. "What's that to you?" "Well; as it do happen, it is something to me.

'Get thee gone, she answered, panting. 'I will not starve. 'Wilt not come with me? he asked ruefully. 'Thou didst yield in my arms. 'I do bid thee begone, she answered imperiously. 'Get thee gold if thou would'st have me. I have starved too much with thee. 'Why, I will go, he muttered. 'Buss me.

"Get not too many helpers, friend," said Nick cunningly, "else will the spoil be split into too many portions." "Well argued!" exclaimed Basil's dupes. "Too many hands in the meal-tub means small share apiece." "Never fear, comrades. A buss on the cheek or a handshake will be payment enough. I shall not tell them that they are helping me to lay fingers on the wealth of the Indies.

If his order was meant for the Buss it was flatly disobeyed, for that charming example of naval architecture, presenting her bluff bows to the billow, snapt the cable and went quietly off to leeward! "All hands ahoy!" roared William Smart as he rushed to the foresail halyards. The summons was not needed. All the men were present, and each knew exactly what to do in the circumstances.

The season could not close, however, without an exhibition of the peculiar aptitude of the Buss for disastrous action! On the 8th that inimitable vessel styled by Teddy Maroon a "tub," and by the other men, variously, a "bumboat," a "puncheon," and a "brute" began to tug with tremendous violence at her cable.

No whispering, Gentlewoman and putting Tricks into her head; that shall not cheat me of another Night Look on that silly little round Chitty-face look on those smiling roguish loving Eyes there look look how they laugh, twire, and tempt he, Rogue I'll buss 'em there, and here, and every where ods bods away, this is fooling and spoiling of a Man's Stomach, with a bit here, and a bit there to Bed to Bed

I've sailed in a'most every kind of craft that floats from a Chinese junk to a British three-decker, and between the two extremes there's a pretty extensive choice of washin'-tubs, but the equal o' this here Buss I never did see no never; take another haul on the foretops'l halyards, boys, and shut your potato-traps for fear the wind blows your teeth overboard. Look alive!"

Hakluyt. W. Malmsb. Some Circumstances respecting the Siege of Joppa, about the year 1102 . In the second year of Baldwin, king of Jerusalem, Joppa was besieged by the Turks of Cairo; and Baldwin embarked from the town of Assur, in a vessel called a buss, commanded by one Goderic an English freebooter, intending to proceed to the relief of the besieged.

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