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While I'm cookin' 'em you fellers will stan' 'roun', an' them sav'ry smells will make you so hungry you can't bear to wait, but you'll hev to, 'cause I won't let you touch a duck till it's br'iled jest right. Are thar any more whar these come from, Sol?" "Not jest at this minute, Jim, but thar wuz, an' thar will be.

Yis, it's thirty years agone sence I hefted the fust trout from this pool, and br'iled him on the bank there, and a toothsome supper he made for me, too. Lord-a-massy, boy," exclaimed the old man, half turning toward his companion, "what a thing memory be! Thirty year! and I've seed some wanderin' sence then, but I remember as though I'd eat him last night jest how that trout tasted.

"Those rooms ain't so bad as New York rooms go; but it does seem funny, don't it, to cook in the same kitchen with a lot of strangers you never laid eyes on befo'? I br'iled some chops for the children right alongside of an old maid who had come all the way up from New Orleans to study music imagine, at her age! Why, she couldn't be a day under fifty!

There'll be fish br'iled and ready in no time." Ha-ha-pah-no and Na-tee-kah each had a frying-pan, and the fish were put in as fast as they were cleaned, but some of the men could not wait for that. They insisted upon cleaning and cooking for themselves, for, as Jonas remarked, "We can't git at the mine till the shelter's done and the waggins are unpacked. We'll have it up in short order."

Then they told Lunette they wanted their lobsters br'iled alive. 'Thar, says she, 'I sot my foot down. I told 'em I' wa'n't goin' to have no half-cooked lobsters hoppin' around in torments over my house. I calk'late to put my lobsters in the pot, and put the cover on and know where they be, says she."

I got a good notion to throw 'em down cold and go with the Postal people." "Never mind! I'll blow you to an ice cream after work," consoled Boogles. "Ice cream!" Jimmie Time was contemptuous. "I want the free, wild life of the boundless peraries. I want b'ar steaks br'iled on the glowing coals of the camp fire. I want to be Little Sure Shot, trapper, scout, and guide "

That means coffee, an' hot cakes, an' a bit of br'iled fish, an' pertaters, an' p'r'aps, if the old woman feels in a partiklar good humor, some canned peaches big white uns, cut in half, with a holler place in the middle filled with cool, sweet juice." Early in my married life I bought a small country estate which my wife and I looked upon as a paradise.

And the fat one cried like anything and begged me not to turn the old one into a toad, and the old one said he didn't think I could in a thousand years, but he wouldn't take any chances in the Far West; so he gave us the cigarettes, and Rupert only smoked half of his and then he acted in a very common way, I must say. And this old one said we would have br'iled b'ar steaks for breakfast.

What is a br'iled b'ar steak? I'm hungry. "Such was little angel-faced Margery. Does she promise to make life interesting for those who love her, or does she not? "Well, that's all.