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"Thirteen?" inquired the leader smilingly. "Sure. Guess most folks reckon that figure unlucky." The third man snorted as he shouldered a keg and moved toward the Wagon. "Holes? Thirteen?" he cried, as he dropped his burden into the vehicle. Then he hawked and spat. "When that blamed train gets around Amberley he'll hate hisself wuss'n a bank clerk with his belly awash wi' boardin' house wet hash."

"I reckin you kin guess fur yourself whut that old woman done then. She flared up and showed all her teeth. She said that the quality always sent their daughters off to boardin' school to give 'em the final polish that made fine ladies of 'em.

But she wuz bound to go to the Fair and they thought it wouldn't hurt her to go, as there didn't seem to be anything serious the matter with her only she seemed melancholy and out of sperits, it seemed to be her mind that wuz ailin' more than her body. And would I if there wuz room in my boardin' place take her in and mother her a little.

"Sartin sure I won't be in the way, Cap'n, be you?" he asked earnestly. "I can go somewheres else just as well as not, to some boardin' house or somewheres. Zuby Jane won't mind; we can see each other every day." "Not a mite of it, Labe," replied Daniel earnestly. "There's plenty of room and you can stay here along with your wife just as well as not. I'd like to have you.

I don't leave him until I have that yarn drilled right inter his soul, an' then I call on Sheeny Joe an' tell him to pass the word to all of his reporter friends that if they want a good story to go down to Shanghai Nelson's boardin' house an' ask for Bull McGinty, skipper o' the schooner Dashin' Wave. "Did they come?

"Well, now, it does seem nice to see you," he said. "Your Ma and I've been kind o' lonesome, and she allowed as how I ought to pay you a mite of a call. I said as how she ought to come too, but I couldn't budge her. She said wimmen folks weren't wanted around boardin' schools." "It's great to see you," said Teeny-bits.

And it doesn't seem lonesome to me." "Doesn't it? Well, wait a little while.... And you really mean you want to keep on boardin' here with me, with us?" "Yes, if if you will be so very kind as to permit me to do so. If you will be so good." "Good! To what? My soul and body!" "No ah good to mine," said Galusha. It was not settled that evening.

Sorry, Vee, but I guess your old boardin' school chum will have to break into matrimony without my help." Maybe you think that settled it. If you do you ain't tried being married. Inside of half an hour we'd agreed on the usual compromise I'm to do as Vee says. So here at 11:15 on a bright summer mornin' I'm dumped off a trolley car way out on the upper edge of Massachusetts.

"She ain't so crazy as you think, if that's so. Do you run this place or are you jest starvin' to death here?" "There is still a little wine and we buy what we may need of Mescalero. If you will come in " "So they missed old Mescalero! Well, he's lucky. No, I don't come in. I tried boardin' at your house onct." "Then I will get the tortillas." And Flores shuffled into the saloon.

Ah! that work o' boardin' and cuttin' out the Portingals! It was fine and excitin', and suited Cap'n Drake and Mr Saint Leger a sight better than nagur huntin'. They was always the first to come forward for such work, and never was two men so happy as they was when news was brought of a caravel bein' near at hand.