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Updated: August 14, 2024

'Wall, said he, helping himself to a chew of tobacco, 'we ve tried thet. Gin 'em t'everybody we know but there ain't folks enough' there's such a slew o'them bilers. We could give one if ev'ry man, woman an' child in Faraway an' hex enough left t'fill an acre lot. Dan Perry druv in t'other day with a double buggy. We gin him one fer his own fam'ly.

'Ther's one thing I hate, Uncle El continued. 'That's the idee o hevin' the woodshed an' barn an' garret full o' them infernal wash bilers. Ye can't take no decent care uv a hoss there 'n the stable' they're so piled up. One uv 'em tumbled down top o' me t'other day. 'Druther 'twould a been a panther. Made me s'mad I took a club an' knocked that biler into a cocked hat. 'Tain't right!

" 'Taint the practice of as good men as him, and as good sugar bilers besides," said Earl; "though I don't mean to say nothin' agin' Seth Plumfield nor agin' his sugar, for the both is as good as you'd need to have; he's a good man and he's a good farmer there aint no better man in town than Seth Plumfield, nor no better farmer, nor no better sugar nother; but I hope there's as good; and I've seen as handsome sugar that wa'n't stirred as I'd want to see or eat either."

I hav 2 kittles, a skilit and a duzzen cans in the spring every nite wich is awl it wil hold and days i trys out the silver frum them wich have caked on nites. This is to dern slo. we nede munny so we kin dril and get a bigger flo and tanks and bilers and sech. hump yoursel and sell that third intrest. i hav to ten the kittles now so no mor frum jim."

And I spoze the noises is as deafenin' as it would be for all the Jonesville meetin'-house to knock all the tin pans and bilers they could git holt of together, and yell. "And they don't wear nothin' but some feathers," sez he. "Wall," sez I, "I don't want to see no sech sight, and I don't want you to."

'If ye brought any Cnssmus presents, he whispered, 'slip 'em into my hands. I'm goin' if run the cirkis t'morrow an' if we don't hev fun a plenty I'll miss my guess. 'I'll lay them out in my room, said Hope. 'Be sure 'n put the names on 'em, Uncle Eb whispered, as Hope went away. 'What have ye done with the "bilers"? I enquired. 'Sold 'em, said he, laughing. 'Barker never kep' his promise.

Heard they'd gone over t' the 'Burg an' was tryin' t' sell more territory. I says if Dave, "You let me manage 'em an' I'll put 'em out o business here 'n this part o' the country." So I writ out an advertisement fer the paper. Read about this way: "Fer sale. Twelve hunderd patented suction Wash Bilers. Anyone at can't stan' prosperity an' is learnin' if swear 'll find 'em a great help.

Then bym bye Barker he wanted him t'go security fer fifteen hunderd bilers thet he was hevin' made. I to! David he hedn't better go in no deeper but Barker, he promised big things an' seemed if be sech a nice man 'at fin'ly David he up 'n done it. Wall he's hed 'em t' pay fer an' the fact is it costs s'much if sell 'em it eats up all the profits. 'Looks like a swindle, I said indignantly.

I go by the swift-sailin' and palatial mail-boat New Light, and I don't run no opposition line, nor bust my bilers tryin' to beat my neighbors into the heavenly port." Brother Goshorn looked vexed. Brother Hall was scandalized at the lightness of Jonas's conversation.

All the engines on the Grand Trunk from the Pentland Firth to the Channel might have bu'sted their bilers since that time but it ain't likely," replied John, with a bland smile. "And and what was my son doing when you passed him? Did you speak to him?" "Speak to him!

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