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He died in his room. He was found lying on the floor near the bell-button, which he had evidently risen to touch. One hand was clenched on his chest, but his face wore a peaceful look, as if death had come too suddenly to cause him much suffering. His bed was undisturbed; he had died before retiring, possibly in the act of packing his trunk, for it was found nearly ready for the expressman.

She put it down to his delicacy, his sense of the awkwardness of the situation, his consideration for her. "We will have tea first," she said, touching the bell-button. "Then we shall not be disturbed any more. We can talk till dinner-time. Oh, how I wish you could stay for dinner, and a long, long evening! But it is better not to do things of that sort yet, don't you think?

The elevator-boy informed Haggerty that Mr. Forbes had just returned from the theater. Alone? Yes. Haggerty pushed the bell-button. A dog bayed. "Why, Haggerty, what's up? Come on in. Be still, Fritz!" The dachel's growl ended in a friendly snuffle, and he began to dance upon Haggerty's broad-toed shoes. "Bottle of beer? Cigar? Take that easy chair. What's on your mind tonight?"

"The daughter of my old friend, Will Fulton! Fulton, one of our depositors!" He was reduced to silent horror. Braceway took advantage of his condition and outlined the circumstances in considerable detail. "If he's short in his accounts," he concluded, "the motive for the murder is established. And, if he's been stealing from the bank, you want to know it." Mr. Beale pushed a bell-button.

With his thumb on the bell-button he recollected, and with a sigh broke open the final seal: Turn about and go to Lenox Street Station, B Railroad, reaching there by 8.05. Wait for messenger in west end of station, by telegraph office. C. W., Jr. It was a blow, but Cyrus had his second wind now. He felt like a machine a hollow one which could keep on going indefinitely.

His bell-button thimbles fell off, his flat nose became long and sharp, his thread hair gave place to a bald pate, and his whole appearance became wonderfully like Bartlemy's master. He raised his yardstick, brought it down with a tremendous crack and Bartlemy WOKE! Yes! he was lying under the tree where he had thrown himself down the night before.

Soon after, Genevieve had awakened with a start, to find herself locked in and the bell-button dug out of its socket. She could not summon the servants without creating an uproar. She soon surmised something of what Belle had in mind, but never, until she heard the muffled report of the pistol, had she dreamed that the frenzied girl contemplated anything so desperate and rash.

Nellie felt in the darkness for the bell-button and gave two sharp rings. "Where are you taking me, Nellie?" he asked. "This is too swell a place for me. It looks as though everybody was gone to bed." In truth he was beginning to think of secret societies and mysterious midnight meetings.

Flexen sat down and unconsciously stared hard at her. Ideas were jostling one another in his head. "We won't wait for him. I'll have the tea made at once," she said, bending forward to press the bell-button. "One moment, please," he said in his crispest, most official voice. "I've come to see you on a very important matter." "Oh?" she said quickly, frowning.

As he touched the bell-button for the benefit of the elevator man but for his own, failed to press it home the grumble of the door-bell below could be heard faintly through muffling fire-brick walls. The grumble persisted long after the elevator had dropped back to the eleventh floor.