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Updated: August 7, 2024

We kept the two men moving ahead of us at such a rate that Barney more than once cried out, "Sure, lieutenant, our bastes will have no wind left in thim at all, at all, if we don't pull up!" "Go on, go on," cried the lieutenant; "do not mind your beasts, as long as they can keep their legs." "Thin it's meself I'd be plading for," cried Barney, turning round.

'Well, Patrick, let us take a start now, then, said Henry. 'Stop a bit, if ye plase, master Henry, till I ask yer honor a bit of a question. Is there any wild bastes on this elligant little island? 'Not that I know of. But what made you think of that, Patrick? 'Faith, an it was just this, then, your honor.

And as for the bastes, sure and it's the quietest bastes they are, and niver thought of running away since the day they were born." So Sarah took her place without uneasiness, and the others started at a hand canter for Mr. Percy's estancia. While at Mr. Thompson's both Mrs.

She said nothin' about herself, but I could guess, the poor girl! The man that could lay his heavy hand on a woman or a child is a black villain. I wouldn't be comparin' him to the dumb bastes, for they've nature in them. The poor little woman, she's dacent. It would break your heart to see how thin she is an' how fretted-lookin' an' the little lad wid the scare in his eyes."

On getting an old dress and a bonnet from her unloved aunt Glegg, she bastes the frock along with the roast beef on the following Sunday, and souses the bonnet under the pump. In consequence of the continual remarks of her mother and aunts, about the un-Dodsonlike colour of her hair, she cuts it all off. She makes the most deplorable exhibition of her literary vanity at every turn.

Phil, call to them to bring out the horse bastes, while I swallow my breakfast and a good one, too. Phil. Your horse is all ready standing, sir. But that's what I wanted to ax you, father will you be kind enough, sir, to shell out for me the price of a daacent horse, fit to mount a man like me? Old McB. What ails the baste you have under you always? Phil.

"Och, but the Ridskins are upon us!" cried out Mike. "We must run for it, Masther Reuben dear. Niver mind the nets, or the fish, or the mosquito bastes. It's too much for any mortal man to stand, with the savages into the bargain. Come along as fast as your legs can carry you; but we will find Masther Roger first.

The Lord knows I don't wondher that the Jews hated the thieves, for sure they are the only blackguard animals that ever committed suicide, and set the other bastes of the earth such an unchristian example. Not that a slice of ham is so bad a thing in itself, especially when it is followed by a single tumbler of poteen punch."

'Why, thin, bad luck to your impidence, says the waiver; 'would no place sarve you but that? and is it spyling my brekquest yiz are, you dirty bastes? And with that, bein' altogether cruked-tempered at the time, he lifted his hand, and he made one great slam at the dish o' stirabout, and killed no less than three score and tin flies at the one blow.

"Then it is better for you," said Little John, "that you came to-day than yesterday, if you love dining in a whole skin: for my master is the pink of courtesy: but if his guests prove stubborn, he bastes them and his venison together, while the friar says mass before meat."

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