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Updated: July 31, 2024

She looked toward the shadowy purple west, and then away to the east, decked in the barbaric magnificence of a plains sunrise. "It may rain today, but it won't rain rain. It will be hot air and trouble. The sod shack is cool, anyhow, Juno. Not so cool, though, as that little glen in the mountains where the clear spring bubbles and babbles all day long."

Ned Lambert, seated on the table, read on: Or again, note the meanderings of some purling rill as it babbles on its way, tho' quarrelling with the stony obstacles, to the tumbling waters of Neptune's blue domain, 'mid mossy banks, fanned by gentlest zephyrs, played on by the glorious sunlight or 'neath the shadows cast o'er its pensive bosom by the overarching leafage of the giants of the forest.

The river ceaselessly babbles; so the words of the poem sing, they are not "dumb words." Thus bondage creates beauty of form, motion, and music; bounds make not only for beauty but power. Poetry gives itself up to the control of metre, not led by blind habit, but because it thus finds the joy of motion.

The lad replied in the affirmative. "It bears your father's name," continued the knight; "and our poor shrew of a parson is, by some mad soul, accused of slaying him." "He did most eagerly deny it," answered Dick. "He did?" cried the knight, very sharply. "Heed him not. He has a loose tongue; he babbles like a jack-sparrow.

Two or three of our excursionists men, perhaps, whose minds indulged in dear memories of a brook that babbles by a mill had fishing-rods with them, and made great ado with scientific lunges and casts, producing much discord, indeed, by flicking away wildly outside their proper sea-limits.

"We knew she didn't do it, didn't we?" "But, Warren, the things she says are all so weird and mixed up. Sometimes she talks of things that happened just recently and then again she babbles of things that took place a long time ago when we were kids. Once when the nurse came into the room, Helen began crying as though her heart would break and begged that we wouldn't think too harshly of her.

"But he knows how to whip in a hound that babbles when he should be busy," said Raoul; and, silenced by this hint, the chirurgeon betook himself to his proper duty, of superintending the removal of young Damian to an apartment in the neighbouring street, where the symptoms of his disorder seemed rather to increase than diminish, and speedily required all the skill and attention which the leech could bestow.

Bright monument of British funkyism and imbecility, there stands the clause setting that reverend and irrelevant doctor-maker above the law, which sets his grace's female relations below the law, and, in practice, outlaws the whole female population, starving those who desire to practice medicine learnedly, and oppressing those who, out of modesty, not yet quite smothered by custom and monopoly, desire to consult a learned female physician, instead of being driven, like sheep, by iron tyranny in a country that babbles Liberty to a male physician or a female quack.

Did you," turning to Daddy, "say anythin' about this to Dick?" "Nary why, he's clean off his head with fever don't understand a word and just babbles," returned Daddy, forgetful of his roseate diagnosis a moment ago, "and hasn't got a cent." "We must make up what we can amongst us afore the mail goes to-night," said the "infant," feeling hurriedly in his pockets.

They were farmers of Wild Laguna, a few miles above Manila, and on one memorable day were cutting wood in the ravine near by, a deep gulch through which babbles a stone-choked stream. This glen has precipitous sides, but is so thickly overhung with green that it is almost like a verdant cave.

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