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Updated: August 26, 2024

Observing the emphasis with which Lockley mentioned tobacco, he understood at once that the skipper did not want his men to drink, and laid his snares accordingly. "Com'," he said, in a confidential tone, taking hold of Lockley's arm, "com' b'low, an' you shall zee de tabac, an' smell him yourself."

She was anxiously active in these various operations, for already the Indians had entered the hut and their voices could be distinctly heard overhead. "Now," she whispered, with a sigh of relief, "six mans not abil to move the stone, even if he knowed the hole is b'low it."

Them Despards'd kill a man for $10. One of 'em, Hilt Despard's onto the bo't with him, pretendin' to be a sport, an' they've drapped out. The rest the gang's jes' waitin' fo' the wind to lay, down b'low, an' down by Plum P'int, some'rs, Mr. Man'll sudden come daid." The fisherman had been alone so much that the pent-up conversation of weeks flowed uninterruptedly.

"This un yaint, but theh's two spo'ts down b'low, that's quittin' the riveh, that blue boat theh, but theh's spo'ts." "I 'lowed they mout be," Nelia dropped into her childhood vernacular as she looked down the bank, "Likely yo' mout he'p me bargain, er somebody?" "I 'low I could!" the river woman replied. "Me an' my ole man he'ped a feller up to St.

The savage headdress of the Dyaks, the long, narrow, decorated shields, the flashing blades of parang and kris sent a shudder through the girl, so close they seemed beneath the schooner's side. "What do? What do?" cried Sing in consternation. "Go b'low. Klick!" But before he had finished his exhortation Virginia was racing toward the bow where the machine gun was mounted.

I leave dis light wi' massa. I can get anoder for self b'low. Good night, massa Edward don't fear I wake you no fear ob dat." And so saying, the kind-hearted black set the bottle-candlestick upon the floor; and, passing down the stair again, left me to my reflections. With such poor light as the candle afforded, I took a careless survey of my apartment.

I looked over into the gardens down b'low the town, 'n' see men plantin' corn, 'n' tendin' peach trees, but didn't see no women at it. The women was all in the houses, spinnin', weavin', sewin', 'n' fixin' up ginerally." "Remarkable people!" exclaimed Aunt Maria. "They are at least as civilized as we. Very probably more so. Of course they are.

Grasping me firmly by one arm, and feeling his way along the wall, he groped across to the other side. "There's a mighty big stone chimbly comes down yere, Cap," he whispered, his lips close to my ears, although the noise above made conversation in an ordinary tone perfectly safe. "An' ther openin' ter take out soot an' ashes is up thar, jist b'low ther fluer.

Klick!" he cried, running toward Virginia. "Go b'low, klick." "Why should I go below, Sing?" queried the girl, amazed by the demeanor of the cook. "Klick! Klick!" he urged grasping her by the arm half leading, half dragging her toward the companion-way. "Plilates! Mlalay plilates Dyak plilates." "Pirates!" gasped Virginia. "Oh Sing, what can we do?" "You go b'low. Mebbyso Sing flighten 'em.

"Le' me tell you, shir, tha' you'll do nothin' o' short; I'm qui' cap'le lookin' after thi' ship or any other ship that ever was built; and I won' have you or any other man tryin' take my charac'er away. You go b'low an' leave me 'lone. D'ye hear?"

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