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Updated: August 15, 2024

'You look so foolish getting out of one of them rattletrap coaches, he said, 'and everybody axing whether you're going to pick for yourself or buy a share in a claim. I'm all for walking, if it ain't beneath you. They declared themselves quite ready to walk, and under Mick's guidance they went out and bought two large red blankets and two pannikins.

It needs no prophet to tell that you are Captain Collingwood's son, when a man gets a fair squint at your figure-head, axing your pardon, sir, for my boldness; and if you'll just give me your word that nothing I may say shall tell agin me, I'll tell you all I knows about it, and gladly too; for I sailed with your father, sir, and a kinder skipper or a better seaman never trod a deck than he was, as I've had good reason to know."

"But, axing your pardons, gents, vich on ye might be name o' Barrymaine?" "What do you want with him eh?" demanded Mr. Smivvle, his whiskers growing momentarily more ferocious, "speak out, man!" "Got a letter for 'im leastways it's wrote to 'im," answered the head, "'ere's a B, and a Nay, and a Nar, and another on 'em, and a Vy, that spells Barry, don't it? Then, arter that, comes a M., and a "

What success had you, said I, in the sale of your Clocks among the Scotch in the eastern part of the Province? do you find them as gullible as the Blue Noses? Well, said he, you have heerd tell that a Yankee never answers one question, without axing another, havent you? Did you ever see an English Stage Driver make a bow? because if you hante observed it, I have, and a queer one it is, I swan.

But it 'ad to be yours or mine, and sir, axing your pardon, but there's a good many 'ats to be 'ad in London jest as good as yourn, for them as can afford 'em, but theer ain't another castor like mine no, not in the U-nited Kingdom." "Very true," nodded Barnabas, "and no hat ever could have had a more useful end, than mine." "V'y yes, sir better your castor than your sconce any day," said Mr.

Sure I never knew either act nor part of the murdher, nor of the murdherers; and you know, if it was anything of that nature, it couldn't tell me a lie, and me a Scapularian along wid axing it in God's name, with Father Feasthalagh's Latin." "Big tare-an'-ouns;" said the rest; "if we thought it was any man making fun of us, but we'd crop the ears off his head, to tache him to be joking!"

"I'm afraid not," said Barnabas, rather apologetically. "Not 'eerd o' the 'Bully-Sawyer, Seventy-four, Lord, young sir! axing your pardon, but not 'eerd o' the why, she were in the van that day one o' the first to engage the enemy but a cable's length to wind'ard o' the 'Victory' one o' the first to come up wi' the Mounseers, she were.

Kester shrank from her look, and even more from her silence. 'A'm come to ax pardon, said he, after a little pause. She was still silent. 'A'm noane above axing pardon, though a'm fifty and more, and thee's but a silly wench, as a've nursed i' my arms. A'll say before thy mother as a ought niver to ha' used them words, and as how a'm sorry for 't.

Pat wanted me to be there last night of all, as I was coming out of the fair; but, no, says I; if ye'd like to see yer sister respectable, don't be axing me to go there; if ye'd like her to be on the roads, and me in Carrick Gaol, why that's the way, I take it." "Stick to that, Denis, and you'll be the better of it.

Now, however, he was certainly becoming tipsy, and, therefore, more likely to agree to whatever those around him might propose. "Asy, Mr. Thady!" said Pat; "there's that long-eared ruffian, McGovery, listening to every word he can catch. Be spaking now as if you war axing the boys about the rint." "And isn't it about that he is axing?" said Joe.

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