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Updated: August 15, 2024

"Sae speak loud aneuch, and ye'll no want siller," was his polite corollary. His lordship, receiving no answer, was about to go, after bowing to her, and smiling gracefully upon her. His hand was on the latch, when Jess Rutherford burst into a passion of tears. He turned with surprise. "My troubles, laddie," cried she, trembling all over.

'Whisht! whisht! gudewife, said her husband, with a smack that had much more affection than ceremony in it; 'never mind, never mind; there's a gentleman that will tell you that, just when I had ga'en up to Lourie Lowther's, and had bidden the drinking of twa cheerers, and gotten just in again upon the moss, and was whigging cannily awa hame, twa landloupers jumpit out of a peat-hag on me or I was thinking, and got me down, and knevelled me sair aneuch, or I could gar my whip walk about their lugs; and troth, gudewife, if this honest gentleman hadna come up, I would have gotten mair licks than I like, and lost mair siller than I could weel spare; so ye maun be thankful to him for it, under God. With that he drew from his side-pocket a large greasy leather pocket-book, and bade the gudewife lock it up in her kist.

"You are far too beautiful," he said with deep earnestness, "to go to service: would you not like to be educated and be a lady?" "Oh, I wad like it weel aneuch, I daur say, but I'll just hae to be content wi' the place I'm in: I've a heap to be thankfu' for, and I maun bide wi' my faither." "But you'll not be with him if you are at service?" "No, but I can help him with the siller I mak."

They ca'd his grandfather the Wicked Laird; but, though he was whiles fractious aneuch, when he got into roving company" and had ta'en the drap drink, he would have scorned to gang on at this gate. They were fond to ca' it papistrie; but I think our great folk might take a lesson frae the papists whiles.

Bein naturally o' a very placable disposition, I didna say much in reply to this harangue; but, mutterin something aboot there bein nae help for't, rushed oot o' the hoose, an' down the confounded lang close, as fast as my legs could carry me, and that was pretty fast; but no fast aneuch to catch the coach. It was aff an' awa, mony a lang minute afore.

My fair captivator soon discovered the state o' my feelins regardin her, as she couldna but do, for my een war never aff her, an' my looks war charged wi' an expression that was easily aneuch interpreted.

Callender, impatiently "I ken what's justice and common sense; an' that's aneuch for me. An' justice I'll hae, Tam," she continued, with such an increase of excitement as brought on the usual climax in such cases, of striking one of her clenched hands on her open palm "An' justice I will hae, Tam, on thae Andersons, if it's to be had for love or money."

'Whisht! whisht! gudewife, said her husband, with a smack that had much more affection than ceremony in it; 'never mind, never mind; there's a gentleman that will tell you that, just when I had ga'en up to Lourie Lowther's, and had bidden the drinking of twa cheerers, and gotten just in again upon the moss, and was whigging cannily awa hame, twa landloupers jumpit out of a peat-hag on me or I was thinking, and got me down, and knevelled me sair aneuch, or I could gar my whip walk about their lugs; and troth, gudewife, if this honest gentleman hadna come up, I would have gotten mair licks than I like, and lost mair siller than I could weel spare; so ye maun be thankful to him for it, under God. With that he drew from his side-pocket a large greasy leather pocket-book, and bade the gudewife lock it up in her kist.

"Please let him say whatever he likes. My awkwardness deserves it all," said Ralph, with becoming meekness. "I think you had better go home now," said Winsome; "it will soon be time for you to bring the kye home." "Hae ye aneuch troots for the mistress's denner?" said Andra, who knew very well how many there were.

"If ye please, sir," answered Andra in a shamefaced way, yet with the assurance of one who knows that he has the authorities on his side, "Dick Little wull no bite the dust." "Bite the dust! what do you mean, laddie?" asked the minister, frowning. "Weel sir, if ye please, sir, the Buik says that the yin that got his licks fell down and bit the dust. Noo, Dick's doon fair aneuch.

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