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We don't need more than two men besides Walt, from now on." "I wish Chester was here," said Mrs. Kate ambiguously. Ford did not ask her why she wished that. He told her good-by as hastily as if he had to run to catch a train, and left her. He hoped he would be lucky enough to see Josephine and then he hoped quite as sincerely that he would not see her, after all.

"It isn't probable you'll have much to handle that is important," declared Mrs. King. "It won't be like dealing with government messages or wrecks." The two boys exchanged a glance. Much as they wished to they dared not initiate their mother into the secrets of Surfside. "You never can tell what messages you'll catch by wireless," Bob returned ambiguously. "Besides, Mr.

To this they replied with a smile, "Be prudent, and declare nothing of this sort except ambiguously; because it is a wisdom deeply seated in the hearts of our sex, and is not discovered to any husband, unless he be principled in love truly conjugial. There are several reasons for this, which we keep entirely to ourselves."

Perhaps if Del Ferice had been well, she would have simply taken no notice of what he had written, and would not even have sent an answer; but she had not the heart to repulse him altogether in his present condition. There was a phrase cunningly introduced and ambiguously worded, which seemed to mean that he had come by his wound in her cause.

Lincoln, who was often to prove his readiness to take blame on his own shoulders, evidently thought that the responsibility in this case was shared by Scott, and demanded to know whether Scott accused him of having overborne his judgment. The old general warmly, if a little ambiguously, replied that he had served under many Presidents, but never known a kinder master.

Don't you go to spielin' to 'em and get 'em thinkin' foolish. They're about ready to shoot up a town, if necessary." "Been hittin' the booze any?" "Some. But not bad." "All right. I don't want to say only 'How! and thank 'em for Collie. If I say more than three words after that, you can have my hat." "It don't take three words, sometimes," said Williams, somewhat ambiguously.

At length the subject of the petition was discussed, but not till the 8th of March 1790, when the Assembly agreed upon a decree concerning it. The decree, however, was worded so ambiguously, that the two parties in St. Domingo, the Whites and the People of Colour, interpreted it each of them in its own favour.

Bauer will tell it to every one in Barscheit that you overpay for things, and from now on you will have to figure living on a basis of crowns." It is worth any price to hear a pretty woman laugh. What a fine beginning for a day! "May misfortune be kind enough to bring you this way again, Herr!" Bauer cried joyfully, not to say ambiguously.

"It would have been well to have ascertained whether she we seek has not taken some less exceptionable course than this, before we hastily believe that your niece would so easily become the wife of a stranger." "Has Mr. Van Staats any hidden meaning in his words, that he speaks ambiguously?" demanded Ludlow. "A man, conscious of his good intentions, has little occasion to speak equivocally.

We went out and left him with his prisoner passive enough, indeed, according to his ambiguously worded promise. As we passed through the gateway Thorndyke gave the inspector's message, curtly and without comment, to the gaping porter, and then we issued forth into Chancery Lane. We were all silent and very grave, and I thought that Thorndyke seemed somewhat moved. Perhaps Mr.